題 名 | 一念陷溺--唐君毅與陽明學者「惡」的理論研究=The Trapped Mind--A Study of Tang Junyi and Wang Yangming Scholars' Theory of Evil |
作 者 | 陳志強; | 書刊名 | 中國文哲研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 47 2015.09[民104.09] |
頁 次 | 頁91-136 |
分類號 | 199.5 |
關鍵詞 | 唐君毅; 王陽明; 陽明學者; 人性論; 元氣; 惡; Tang Junyi; Wang Yangming; Theory of human nature yuanqi; Primordial vital energy; E; Evil; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 人性非惡?惡自何來?如何去惡?當代新儒者唐君毅先生認為,傳統上儒學對惡的問題缺乏足夠的論述;然而,惡的議題在儒學思想的發展中卻理當得到開拓。由於唐先生的相關思考主要取資於宋明儒者(尤其陽明學者)的理論資源,本文將通過扣連兩者的文字,嘗試發明儒學傳統中「惡」的理論。本文的討論主要將會集中於以下三點:一、惡是人根本善性的變態表現。期望相關討論能夠豐富學界對人性、善惡、理欲、理氣(以至「元氣」和「氣學」)的了解。二、惡的出現源於一念之陷溺。筆者將會清理心學傳統中與過惡議題相關(包括「私」、「滯」、「著」、「蔽」、「偏」、「過」、「惡」、「欲」、「溺」、「習」、「妄」等)複雜概念叢的內在連繫,從而嘗試系統地剖析「惡」的生成過程。當中的討論尤其將會牽涉到「知識」與「罪惡」錯綜複雜的關係。三、當下一念自反是改過去惡的根本工夫。期望相關討論有助於澄清儒門「自反」工夫的實義,並指出當下一念之自覺自反如何徹上徹下構成改過去惡的根本工夫。通過以上三點討論,本文旨於豐富學界對儒學傳統中「惡」的理論的了解。 |
英文摘要 | Is human nature evil? Where does evil come from? How can we get rid of evil? Contemporary New Confucian Tang Junyi (1909-1978) thinks that the question of evil does not receive enough attention in Confucian tradition, yet is worth further exploration. Tang’s ideas on the question of evil are grounded in the theories of scholars following Wang Yangming. This paper aims to elucidate their ideas in order to articulate a theory of evil in Confucianism. The three main ideas in this paper are: 1. Evil is the perverted manifestation of the goodness of human nature. By this discussion, the meaning of human nature, good and evil, li-yu, li-qi (especially Yuanqi or primordial vital energy) will be revisited. 2. The emergence of evil is caused by the trapping of the mind. The inner connection of the cluster of concepts that are related to the question of evil, namely, si, zhi, zhuo, bi, pian, guo, e, yu, ni, xi, and wang will be clarified. The relationship between “knowledge” and “moral evil” will also be further discussed. 3. “Self-enlightenment in the moment” is the fundamental way to get rid of evil. I will explain, at different levels, how self-enlightenment in the moment could be the fundamental way to get rid of evil. By way of these three ideas, this paper aims to enrich our understanding of the theory of evil in Confucianism. |