題 名 | 論勞思光先生對韓非哲學之詮釋=On Lau Sy-Guang's Interpretation of Harn Fei's Philosophy |
作 者 | 高柏園; | 書刊名 | 淡江人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 4 1999.11[民88.11] |
頁 次 | 頁23-38 |
分類號 | 121.67 |
關鍵詞 | 人設之勢; 中主而治; 自利的人性論; 自然之勢; 性惡的人性論; 相對主義; 基源問題; Governing by average rulers; Man-made power; Natural power; Negative view of humanity; Neutral view of humanity; Radius problem; Relativism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 韓非子是先秦法家思想的集大成者。其政治哲學的三大綱領:法、術、勢,乃是 立基在三個主要觀念上,此即:自利的人性論、實用主義以及相對主義的歷史觀。勞思光先 生在其大作《中國哲學史(一)》中對韓非子哲學的批判,顯然是預設了太多的不相應之觀點, 進而使得其詮釋陷入極端不利的地位。本文正是要對此問題加以釐清與討論。 |
英文摘要 | Harn Fei is the philosopher who inherits the pre-Chin Faa-jia thinkers' thinking. He constructs the Faa-jia's political philosophy with the guidelines of law, craft of manipulation, and power. The neutral view of humanity as self-interested and pragmatism also lie in the center of his doctrine. Lau Sy-Guang's critique of Harn Fei's philosophy in The History of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 1 has obviously made too many improper presumptions, leading to a deficiency in the understanding of Ham Fei's thoughts. This article is to point out these deficiencies, and to clarify further and discuss them. |