- 臺北市監理處車輛委外代檢服務品質之研究--以Kano模式探討
- Resort Hotel Service Quality--Application of Quality Function Deployment Method
- 以品質機能展開提昇醫院門診部門之整體服務品質
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- 應用KANO模式於宅配服務品質需求之探討
- 運用品質機能展開法於圖書館服務品質之探討
- 運用品質機能展開建構產學合作服務品質績效評估模式
- 蘇澳冷泉公園服務品質屬性之研究--Kano二維品質模式之應用
- Kano二維模式於住院服務與病患滿意度之應用
- 應用品質機能展開法與Kano精緻化模式觀點探究飯店之服務品質--以臺南市某飯店為個案研究
題 名 | 臺北市監理處車輛委外代檢服務品質之研究--以Kano模式探討=The Service Quality of Outsourced Motor Vehicle Inspection of Taipei Motor Vehicles Office: An Application of Kano's Model |
作 者 | 謝登旺; 黃敏萍; 林正郎; | 書刊名 | 都市交通 |
卷 期 | 25:2 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 58-72 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 服務品質; 車輛委外代檢; Kano二維品質模式; 品質特性排序法; 品質機能展開法; Service quality; The outsourced motor vehicle inspection; The Kano's two-dimensional quality model; Quality attribute ranking; Quality function deployment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究對車輛委外代檢服務品質之探討係參考P.Z.B.模式衡量服務品質構面之有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性與同理心而設計問卷,對公路監理督導人員、民間委託代檢公司從業人員及一般到代檢公司洽辦車輛檢驗之車主進行抽樣調查。並引用Kano的二維品質模式做為品質特性分類之方法,探討車輛委外代檢服務品質是否因不同人口統計變數,而對Kano二維品質模式品質特性認知有顯著差異,另外,利用卡方檢定分析瞭解顧客(車主)、公路監理機關人員及民間代檢公司人員對車輛委外代檢服務品質認知是否具有二維品質特性,以及運作Kano品質改善指標分析探討提昇滿意度及消除不滿意度項目,最後以品質特性排序評量法,品質機能展開法建構日式品質屋決定出品質改善技術之執行優先順序,探討服務品質技術與管理重點,並提出改善之策略。 |
英文摘要 | This study examines the service quality of the outsourced motor vehicle inspection service by applying the P.Z.B. SERVIQUAL questionnaire methodology, which includes the categories of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Samples of surveys were taken from the supervisors of government department, the outsourced agency's employees and those vehicle owners with inspection service experience. The survey results were analyzed by the Kano two-dimensional quality model to discuss the potential significant difference caused by different demographic samples on the model's outputs for quality characterization. Chi-square test was employed to characterize the two-dimensional attributes of the degrees of anticipation to the service quality by the clients (the vehicle owners), the officials of Motor Vehicle Office, and the service persons of outsourced agencies. The Kano quality improvement index analysis was used to identify and scrutinize the target items to increase customer satisfaction and reduce the dissatisfaction. To finalize the analysis procedure, a Japanese-type quality module was constructed based on the Quality Attribute Ranking and the Quality Function Deployment to prioritize the quality improvement measures. |