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題 名 | 不同溫度採集竹/木醋液基本性質及抑菌性之探討=Investigation on Basic Properties and Antibacterial Activity of Bamboo/Wood Vinegars Collected from Different Temperature |
作 者 | 陳伯光; 吳思敬; 黃國雄; 林翰謙; |
書刊名 | 嘉大農林學報 |
卷 期 | 7:2 2010.08[民99.08] |
頁 次 | 頁95-117 |
分類號 | 436.52 |
關鍵詞 | 竹/木醋液; 氣相層析質譜儀; 抑菌性; 生長曲線; Bamboo/wood vinegar; Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy; GC-MS; Antibacterial activity; Growth curve; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究使用土窯製備竹/木炭時所採集副產物-竹/木醋液作為試液,並於煙囪口以不同溫度採集之竹/木醋液探討基本性質及其成分,進而評估其抑菌性。期結果能使各醋液作為抑制病原菌之參考。基本性質結果得知,不同溫度採集竹/木醋液之pH值介於1.5-3.6間;有機酸含量為2.12-7.21%;比重則為1.004-1.014間;焦油含量範圍為0.118-0.665%。在GC-MS組成分分析部份,竹醋液中以溫度120-123℃者所含之成分較多,又以酮類化合物為最多,酚類化合物次之,而其中以phenol所占相對比例最高,可達12.48%。在木醋液部分,則以溫度125-133℃者內含之成分最多,而以2-methoxy-phenol者為最高,約可達14.99%。不同溫度採集竹醋液之抑菌性,以溫度120-123℃者為最佳,而木醋液者則以溫度125-133℃者為最佳。若以不同稀釋濃度而言,稀釋濃度愈小則抑菌圈則愈小,甚至無抑菌圈之產生。就不同菌種而言,各種試樣於稀釋濃度20%以上時,對大腸桿菌之抑菌性最佳且均為完全抑菌,而對金黃色葡萄球菌者次之,但其對枯草桿菌皆為不完全抑菌且效果為最差。在竹醋液(120-123℃)之生長曲線結果可知,添加1mL各稀釋濃度試樣於24h後,僅稀釋濃度為50%及原液者有抑制效果,可將菌數降至108及105CFU/mL,但卻無法有效抑制大腸桿菌的生長;而添加2mL者後則能將菌數降為0CFU/mL,即具有效之抑制效果。在添加木醋液(125-133℃)者之結果可知,添加1mL者無抑制效果;而添加2mL者則於稀釋濃度50%及原液時,可將各菌數分別降至106及0CFU/mL。 |
英文摘要 | This study was mainly to investigate the basic properties and the compounds, and the antibacterial activity of bamboo/wood vinegars, by-product of bamboo/wood charcoals, collected from different temperatures from the exit of chimney of earthen kiln. The results of this study are to be a reference of anti-bacteria applications hopefully. As the results of the basic properties of various bamboo/wood vinegars collected from different temperatures, the pH value was from 1.5 to 3.6; the organic acid contents were 2.12 to 7.21%; the specific gravity was between 1.004 and 1.014, and the soluble tar contents were 0.118-0.665%. The result of GC-MS analysis showed the bamboo vinegar at 120-123℃ that had more contents in the compounds; the ketone and phenol were first and second respectively, and the percent of phenol compounds in whole compounds was about 12.48%. The compounds of wood vinegar at 125-133℃ had the most compounds, and the percent of 2-methoxy- phenol content, 14.99%, was the highest one. The best effective antibacterial activity of the vinegars were bamboo vinegar collected temperature from 120 to 123℃ and for wood vinegar, it was one of vinegars collected from 125 to 133℃. For the results of the different concentration of the vinegar, the more times of dilution were, the smaller antibacterial circle was, even no circle production. For the different type of bacteria, the results showed that the antibacterial effectiveness of vinegars below 20% diluting concentration with a complete antibacterial circle to Escherichia coli was the best one, and to Staphylococcus aureus was second, but to Bacillus subtilis was the worst and was incompletely for antibacterial activity. The results of the growth curve of bamboo vinegar at 120-123℃ indicated that to add 1 mL diluting concentration at 50% and original vinegar was with antibacterial effectiveness after 24 h observation, the bacterial number were decreased to 10^8 and 10^5 CFU/mL, respectively, but the dosage were unable to resist the growth of Escherichia coli. Moreover, the number was 0 CFU/mL when adding 2 mL; that is, it was with the effectiveness of antibacterial activity. For wood vinegar at 125 to 133℃, it was showed that the vinegar adding 1 mL was without antibacterial effectiveness, but adding 2 mL 50% of the diluting concentration and original vinegar the number were reduced to 0 and 10^6 CFU/mL. |