題 名 | 多元醇液化木材製作聚胺基甲酸酯薄膜之力學性質=Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Films Made from Polyhydric Alcohol Liquefied Wood |
作 者 | 李文昭; 林孟萱; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 28:3 2009.09[民98.09] |
頁 次 | 頁167-176 |
分類號 | 474.1 |
關鍵詞 | 液化木材; 機械性質; 多元醇; 聚胺酯樹脂; PU薄膜; Liquefied wood; Mechanical property; Polyhydric alcohol; Polyurethane resin; PU film; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以多元醇液化相思樹(Acacia confusa; Taiwan acacia)及杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata; China fir)為原料,將其與Desmodur L及Desmodur N兩種異氰酸鹽在NCO/(OH+COOH)莫耳比1.0、1.5及2.0之條件下調配聚胺酯樹脂(Polyuretane resin; PU)並製作PU樹脂薄膜,所得PU薄膜以溶出法評估其膠化度,以拉伸試驗法評估其機械性質。由試驗結果得知,液化木材與兩種異氰酸鹽所調配之PU樹脂可應用於PU薄膜之製作,其硬化薄膜具備高膠化度。兩種異氰酸鹽比較,利用Desmodur L與液化木材混合所製備之PU薄膜之拉伸強度較大,且其薄膜呈現剛性特質;利用Desmodur N與液化木材混合所製備者則較柔軟,強度較低。提高PU樹脂調配時NCO/(OH+COOH)莫耳比可增加PU樹脂薄膜之拉伸強度,以Desmodur L為原料者彈性係數進一步提高,以Desmodur N為原料者則可同時增加其破壞伸長率。兩種樹種比較,以液化相思樹為原料者之拉伸強度大於以液化杉木為原料者。 |
英文摘要 | Polyhydric alcohol-liquefied Acacia confusa (Taiwan acacia) and Cunninghamia lanceolata (China fir) were blended with isocyanate, Desmodur L and Desmodur N, using NCO/(OH+COOH) molar ratio as 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 to prepare polyurethane resins (PU) and used to make PU films. Solvent extraction and tensile testing were used to evaluate the gel degree and the mechanical properties of films, respectively. The results showed that PU resins prepared from liquefied wood blending with isocyanate could be used to make PU films. The cured films had high degree of gelation. Comparison between two kinds of isocyanate, PU films prepared from blending liquefied wood with Desmodur L had higher tensile strength than that with Desmolur N. Films of the former had the characteristic of stiffness, but the latter appeared more soft. The tensile strength of PU films could be increased as the molar rat io of NCO/(OH+COOH) increased, for those using Desmodur L as a raw material could increase the modulus of elasticity, but for those using Desmodur N as a raw material both the modulus of elasticity and strain could increase. Comparison between two kinds of liquefied wood, using liquefied Taiwan acacia as raw materials had higher tensile strength than that using liquefied China fir. |