題 名 | 臺灣地區森林土壤管理組之研擬=Proposed Forest Soil Management Divisions (FSMDs) in Taiwan |
作 者 | 蔡呈奇; 張瑀芳; 許佳雯; 杜清澤; | 書刊名 | 宜蘭大學生物資源學刊 |
卷 期 | 4:2 2008.12[民97.12] |
頁 次 | 頁99-107 |
分類號 | 436.193 |
關鍵詞 | 土系; 土壤分類; 森林土壤; 森林土壤管理組; Soil series; Soil classification; Forest soil; Forest soil management divisions; FSMDs; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在美國新土壤分類系統中,土系是最低也是最詳細的綱目,但是有些專有名稱相當多且不方便利用,因此也降低了分類系統的利用價值。利用田間土壤可觀察得到的及質地的特性來分類土壤,可以簡化繁複的土壤分類過程,將有助於土壤資訊的交換。森林為臺灣地區相當重要的自然資源,而台灣地區森林土壤調查(海拔高於1,000公尺)已於1993-2003年間完成。本研究的目的為嘗試將高山森林土壤調查所建立的土系資料,利用田間土壤容易觀察的特性及土壤質地,將土系分類成不同的森林土壤管理組(Forest Soil Management Divisions, FSMDs),以簡化土系數目與作為高山森林土壤管理與經營上的參考。本研究共收集荖濃溪事業區、六龜試驗林、玉井事業區、八仙山事業區、大安溪事業區與太麻里試驗林等六個區域的土系資料,共整理出49筆土系資料,依美國土壤分類系統分類為4種土綱、4種亞綱、4種大土類與6種亞類。依現有調查資料中選擇坡度、土體深度與A化育層深度做為分類標準,本研究初步將49個土系歸併成17個管理組。研究結果明顯的簡化了土系的數目,也能解決土系過於繁多的困擾。另外本研究初步研擬之17個森林土壤管理組,可依照經營者的需求增加或減少分類標準,做進一步適當的合併與歸類,以求森林經營與規劃利用上的完整性與便利性。 |
英文摘要 | The soil series is incorporated at the lowest and most detailed level of the soil classification system (Soil Survey System, 2006). The string of terms that comprise the taxonomic classification of a soil reveals many specific soil properties. The terms themselves are numerous and cumbersome. Meanings of these terms are not readily apparent and diminish the value of utilizing the classification system. A simplified approach is needed using field determination of observable and textural characteristics of the soil to establish soil classification. Observable and textural soil properties are readily perceived and immediately useful when making local interpretation for land use. A classification method based on this approach will facilitate the exchange of soils information. The objectives of this study was attempted to group the soil series established by high mountain forest soil surveys into different forest soil management divisions (FSMDs) with observable and textural soil properties in the fields, and to reduce the soil series numbers as the consultations for forest soil management and treatment in high mountain in Taiwan. Four Forest Working Circles (Laoulongshi(荖濃溪)、Yuching(玉井)、Pahsianshan(八仙山) and Taanshee (大安溪)) and two Experimental Forest of TFRI (Taiwan Forestry Research Institute) (Liukei(六龜) and Taimali(太麻里)) were selected for this study. Totally 49 soil series were rearranged and classified into 4 soil orders, 4 suborders, 4 great group and 6 subgroup based on Keys to Soil Taxonomy. Three classifying criteria were selected from the published soil survey reports, including soil slope (SL), solum thickness, and thickness of A horizon. In conclusion, 49 soil series were grouped into 17 FSMDs. The results of this study obviously reduced the soil series numbers and solved the persecution of too many soil series established. The preliminary 17 FSMDs of this study are flexible associated with local environment, climate, kind of trees and land area for suitable forest landuse and management. |