- 利用地理統計法進行土壤分類
- 逐步高斯模擬法與克利金法於流通係數空間變異研究
- 克利金空間推估與複迴歸之關係及半變異元函數特性之探討
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- 條件模擬法模擬小樣區土壤鋅重金屬污染
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- Geostatistical Cross-Validation for the Design of Additional Sampling Regimes in Heavy-Metal Contaminated Soils
- 利用多變量指標克利金法界定土壤重金屬污染範圍
題 名 | 利用地理統計法進行土壤分類=The Geostatistics Approach to Soil Classification |
作 者 | 張國良; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 46:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁75-84 |
分類號 | 434.22 |
關鍵詞 | 土壤分類圖; 克利金; 推估誤差; Soil map; Kriging; Estimation error; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究應用地理統計法(Geostatistics)來分析宜蘭山坡地的地表土壤。土壤性質藉由將本研究地區劃分成網格可推估出來。利用這些結果可製成土壤分類圖;也就是說,圖中每一個方格代表不同的土壤分類。本文分別以克利金(kriging)及補克利金(cokriging)做推估,並將其推估結果做一詳盡的比較。此外,本文並探討土壤分類過程所遭遇到的問題和解決的方法。 |
英文摘要 | A geostatistical analysis of surface soils located in hill slope of I-Lan was made. The soil properties were estimated through partitioning of the study area into blocks. The product from soil survey is the soil map; that is, a map showing the region of interest divided by boundaries into parcels each of a particular soil type. The estimation methods used in this paper are kriging and cokriging. A comparison of the result of the two estimation methods was made. Furthermore, this paper delved into the problems and solutions encountered during the process of soil classification. |