- 塔塔加森林土壤有機酸含量之研究
- 第二核能發電廠及其周圍微生物族群探討
- 培養基對耐高溫溶磷菌活性之影響
- 重金屬污染土壤中植物根分泌之低分子量雙羧基有機酸及對土壤中鎘與鋅的影響
- 紅龍果果實發育後期醣類合成酶和蘋果酸去氫酶活性之變化
- 火力發電廠對微生物生態及環境品質的影響
- 第一核能發電廠及其周圍土壤微生物生態探討
- 第四核能發電廠預定地及其周圍土壤微生物生態
- 第三核能發電廠及其周圍土壤微生物族群
- Production and Characterization of Cellulase from Janthinobacterium sp. AR-129 and Pedobacter sp. AR-138
題 名 | 塔塔加森林土壤有機酸含量之研究=Organic Acid Contents in Tatachia Forest Soils |
作 者 | 陳威希; 楊盛行; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 14:2=228 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁99-108 |
分類號 | 436.193 |
關鍵詞 | 森林土壤; 有機酸; 蘋果酸; 琥珀酸; 溶磷菌; 纖維素分解菌; Forest soil; Organic acid; Malic acid; Succinic acid; Phosphate-solubilizing; Cellulolytic microbes; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了解微生物在高山森林土壤有機物分解及溶磷時所擔任之角色,本研究針對塔塔加高山雲杉林、鐵杉林及草原區土壤,分析不同季節土壤中有機酸含量及種類,以及部份鐵維素分解菌之還原糖濃度及溶磷菌產酸及可溶性磷含量。結果發現塔塔加高山森林土壤呈弱酸性,pH值介於4.7~6.5。低分子量有機酸主要有蘋果酸(malic acid)及琥珀酸(succinic acid),雲杉林上層土壤分別含蘋果酸0.10~0.25μmole/g及琥珀酸0.05~0.20μmole/g,鐵杉林土壤分別為0.12~0.31及0.098~0.60μmole/g,而草原土壤分別為0.021~0.075及0.010~0.039μmole/g。上層土研有機酸含量高於下層土壤,而且春季高於冬季。各區土壤有機質中,蘋果酸及琥珀酸含量以雲杉林最高,分別為0.67~1.21及0.19~0.74μmole/g,鐵杉林次之為0.33~0.62及0.19~0.60μmole/g,草原區最低分別為0.05~0.15及0.035~0.085μmole/g。由雲杉林及鐵杉林土壤中篩得數株纖維素分解菌皆可使培養液pH值明顯下降及分解羧甲基纖維素產生還原糖,而所分離之溶磷菌經初步測定其溶液中含可溶性磷3~19mg/l,可見微生物在高山森林土壤有機物分解及養分有效性上佔極為重要之角色。 |
英文摘要 | To investigate the role of microbes in the nutrient transformation in the Tatachia forest soils, the organic acids of Spruce forest, Hemlock forest and meadow soils and the different profiles of Hemlock and meadow soils were determined. It was found that: (1)Soil pH ranged from 4.7 to 6.5. (2)Malic acid and succinic acid were the major organic acid. (3)Each gram of Spruce soil contained malic acid 0.10-0.25 μmole and succinic acid 0.05-0.20 μmole. (4)Each gram of Helmock soil comprised malic acid 0.12-0.31 μmole and succinic acid 0.10-0.60μmole. (5)Each gram of meadow soil had malic acid 0.021-0.075μmole and succinic acid 0.010-0.039μmole. (6)Organic acid in the topsoil was higher than that in the subsoil, and the value was also high in the spring season. (7)Organic acid was high in the organic layer. (8)Soluble phosphate was between 3 and 19 mg/l in some phosphate-solubilizing isolates. |