- 國中、小學生成就目標導向型態與其認知投入、考試焦慮、數學成就的關係
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- Effects of Goal Structure on Elementary Students' Goal Orientations, Mathematics Achievement, and Intrinsic Motivation
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題 名 | 國中、小學生成就目標導向型態與其認知投入、考試焦慮、數學成就的關係=The Relationships between the Patterns of Achievement Goal Orientations and Cognitive Engagement, Test Anxiety, and Academic Achievement among Grades 5-9 Students |
作 者 | 王永裕; 吳璧如; | 書刊名 | 彰化師大教育學報 |
卷 期 | 11 2007.06[民96.06] |
頁 次 | 頁25-50 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 成就目標導向型態; 考試焦慮; 認知投入; 數學成就; Patters of achievement goal orientations; Test anxiety; Cognitive engagement; Academic achievement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以雲林縣公立國民中學一到三年級與國民小學高年級學生共746人爲問卷調查對象,並以描述性統計、集群分析、單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量分析進行統計處理。研究結果發現:(一)成就目標導向型態可分爲「中趨向精熟/中逃避精熟/中趨向表現/高逃避表現目標」、「高趨向精熟/低逃避精熟/低趨向表現/低逃避表現目標」、「高趨向精熟/高逃避精熟/高趨向表現/中逃避表現目標」及「低趨向精熟/低逃避精熟/低趨向表現/低逃避表現目標 」箏四種類型;(二)國中、小學生有時候會有積極的認知投入。(三)國中、小學生的考試焦慮並不嚴重。(四)持不同成就目標導向型態者在認知投入、考試焦慮及數學成就上的表現有顯著差異。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the patters of achievement goal orientations and cognitive engagement, test anxiety, and academic achievement in mathematics. The survey data were collected from 746 grades 5-9 students in Yulin County. The descriptive statistics, hierarchical cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, and one-way MANOVA were used to analyze data. The result indicated that there were four different patters of achievement goal orientations. The degree of students' cognitive engagement was moderate and their level of test anxiety was not high. There were significant differences in students' cognitive engagement, test anxiety, and academic achievement in relation to their patters of achievement goal orientations. |