- Effects of Goal Structure on Elementary Students' Goal Orientations, Mathematics Achievement, and Intrinsic Motivation
- 內在動機重要理論及相關變項之研究
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題 名 | Effects of Goal Structure on Elementary Students' Goal Orientations, Mathematics Achievement, and Intrinsic Motivation=教室結構對國小學童在成就目標取向、數學成就及內在動機之影響 |
作 者 | 林啟超; 謝智玲; | 書刊名 | 國民教育研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 8 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁115-143 |
分類號 | 523.32 |
關鍵詞 | 目標取向; 數學成就; 教室結構氣氛; 競爭性; 合作性; 個別性; 內在動機; Goal orientation; Mathematics achievement; Goal structure; Competitive; Cooperative; Individualistic; Intrinsic motivation; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討教室結構氣氛(競爭性、合作性、與個別性)對國小學童在成就目標取向、數學成就與內在動機之影響。同時探討不同性別和由教室結構氣氛與性別所形成之交互作用在這三變項之影響。研究對象共二百四十位國小五年級學生(120位男生與120位女生)。男、女生採隨機取樣與隨機分配到競爭性、合作性性與個別性三種不同的教室結構氣氛中,本研究採二因子變異數分析的實驗設計。 研究的結果顯示不同的教室結構氣氛有顯著的差異在精熟目標取向,數學成就和內在動機等變項上;因此,學童在合作性與個別性學習的教室氣氛下傾向採取精熟為目標取向、在數學成就上表現較佳和具有內在動機。作者們根據研究結果建議國小教師們應發展一個以精熟為目標取向的教室結構氣氛(如個別性合合作性的教室結構氣氛)來引導學生學習。 |
英文摘要 | The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of classroom goal structure (competitive, cooperative, and individualistic) on children goal orientation, mathematics achievement and intrinsic motivation. The second purpose of this study was to assess gender effects, and the interaction effects between goal structure and gender in these learning situations on the variables related to methematics learning. Two hundred forty fifth-grade children (120 boys and 120 girls) participated in this study Boys and girls were randomly selected from the student population of the school and randomly assigned to one of the 3 goal structure conditions. This experimental study used a 3×2 factorial design. Results showed the significance of goal structure effects on mastery goal orientation, mathematics achievement, and intrinsic motivation. Children in the cooperative and individualistic goal groups had higher mastery goal orientations than children in the competitive goal group. They also scored higher in mathematics achievement and intrinsic motivation. These results suggest that educators should develop a mastery goal climate (an individual or a cooperative goal structure0 in their learning context, which means to stress the importance of understanding, the process of thinking, monitoring the individual progress, learning for its own sake, and cooperative leaning rather than stressing only the outcomes in the mathematics learning environment. |