題 名 | 儷古同體探源=Theory of a Common Root for Parallelism and Singularity |
作 者 | 陳松雄; | 書刊名 | 東吳中文學報 |
卷 期 | 12 民95.05 |
頁 次 | 頁75-98 |
分類號 | 821.9 |
關鍵詞 | 儷古; 儷辭; 古體; Li-ku; Parallelism and singularity together; Li-tze; Parallel prose; Gu-ti; Singular structure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 昔人述作,無分儷古,宅情位言,信手而得。富複者不單,宜散者不駢,因乎文情之需,本乎事理所染,無務苦思,不劳經營,故奇偶混同於簡上,駢散雜糅於篇中,後士好事,儷古始二,分庭抗禮,門角爭雄。吾人略加探討,故知二者實出一源。就文體而言:一曰文質相資,儷古一源:二曰文言相調,儷古合德。後事實而論:群經文筆,儷古迭出:二曰諸子篇章,儷古相生。稽諸理論既如彼,考諸事實又如此,則儷古一源之說,胡庸贅言哉? |
英文摘要 | In the past, text made up of written characters were all referred to as wen-jiang (文章-structured text). There was no distinction made between li (儷-parallelism) or gu (古-singularity). The distinction between parallelism and singularity originates from the early Nan (南) Dynasty. So parallelism and singularity have in fact a common root. 1. In terms of language theory: a) In a composition made up of wen (文-polished) and tse (質-simple), the two rely on each other, so parallelism and singularity share a common origin. (2) As elegant text and language each influence the other, therefore parallelism and singularity share a common root. 2. From actual usage: (1) chiun-ching-wen (群經文-grouped writings) pi(筆-single sentences) demonstrates a combination of both parallelism and singularity. (2) The ju-tze-pien-tzang (諸子篇章-the compositions of the great teachers) are made up of mutually supporting parallelisms and singularities. From theory and practice, there is no doubt that that parallelism and singularity have a common root. |