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題 名 | Fast Converging Technique in Reading Resistance Temperature Detectors=RTD溫度感測器之快速收歛讀取方法研究 |
作 者 | 林炯陸; 楊一弘; | 書刊名 | 黃埔學報 |
卷 期 | 49 民94.10 |
頁 次 | 頁107-116 |
分類號 | 448.5 |
關鍵詞 | 熱傳導; 熱敏電阻; 快讀溫度計; Heat transfer; RTD; Thermistor; Fast reading thermometer; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 使用電阻式溫度感測器所會影響的系統內在時間常數與會出現的溫度階梯式跳升量,將可以利用本文提供的快速收歛讀取技術沽算出來。而此方法便能被用來在溫度量測的初期階段提前預測終了時間的欲知溫度。RTD 內以一定比例隨溫度變化的電阻變化值,在量測初期數個讀值將被饋入微處理機預先規劃程式內作數值計算,如此便可提早得出系統時間常數及最終溫度。由於感測器無法即刻跟隨和待測體表面接觸所感受到的溫度躍升變化,概因感測器體之溫度深受時間常數與溫度階梯式跳升的影響才能達成熱接觸之熱力平衡的條件,此計算流程則可克服感測器緩慢的溫度時間歷程障礙。 |
英文摘要 | The inherent thermal time constant and initial temperature jump appeared in using resistor type temperature sensors can be assessed by a fast convergent reading technique, that can be used to predict the final temperature reading at the beginning stage of temperature measuring process. The resistance changing rates within RTDs, proportional to a temperature changing rates, of the first few readings in the sensor and its followers are fed into a programmed microprocessor for numerical calculations, in order to get beforehand the time constant as well as the final temperature that normally does not change instantaneously in response to the step-function temperature change from the body in contact. The calculations will be able to forecast the would-be final reading in the foreseeable time frame, and thus can expedite the process and overcome the retardation in temperature measurement resulted from the slow progression of time-temperature history as time to reach thermodynamic equilibrium between sensor body and the heat conduction media is strongly affected by the thermal time constant and temperature jump. |