- 底火熱通量強度估測實驗
- Experimental Verification in the Inverse Problem of Determining the Unknown Strength of a Primer Heat Source in a 120 mm Mortar High-Explosive Shell
- Inverse Estimation of Time-Varying Heat Flux and Flow Visualization of Ignition in a Conventional Long Artillery Primer
- 逆向熱傳導問題之分析與實驗
- 上線逆向熱傳導問題之分析
- 適應性輸入估算法則於線上逆向熱傳問題之研究
- 點火系統瞬間釋放熱通量之估算
- The Estimation of Heat Flux of Percussion Primex by the Conjugate Gradient Method
- Impulse Heat Flux of On-line Estimation Systembased on Adaptive Extemded Kalman Filter Combined with the Experimental Verification in a Wet Type Primer
- 熱通量量測方法之介紹
題 名 | 底火熱通量強度估測實驗=Experimental Studies on Heat Flux of Primers |
作 者 | 趙樑; 張進龍; 紀慶嘉; 李偉雄; | 書刊名 | 火藥技術 |
卷 期 | 15:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁23-33 |
分類號 | 462.11 |
關鍵詞 | 逆向熱傳導; 卡爾曼濾波技術; 熱通量; 自由長度; 底火; Inverse heat transfer; Kalman filter; Heat flux; Free length; Primer; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 底火是槍、砲等武器發揮功能的關鍵所在,其功能在於點燃發射藥,使彈丸獲得 足夠的能量,達到預期的砲口速度;為評鑑底火所生成之熱通量強度,本文以銅片為熱導體 ,並藉由熱傳導數學模式之建立及建置一套溫度量測系統,進行底火生成熱通量傳至銅片後 之溫度量測, 並以卡爾曼濾波技術( Kalman Filter Technique )對量測溫度進行底火熱 通量之估算,卡爾曼濾波技術對量測溫度做底火熱通量制之估算,經數值模擬顯示該方法不 僅效率好,追蹤能力強,且對雜訊的濾除有一定程度的效果。本文使用五種不同距離之自由 長度(即底火與銅片間的距離)及五種不同的底火進行實驗,結果顯示自由長度為 22mm 時 熱通量最高,本文實驗及估測所獲得之結果將可提供製造單位參考以提昇產品之品質。 |
英文摘要 | The Primer plays an important role to decide the performance of a weapon system such as gun etc. The function of primer is to ignite the propellant powder, then release and have muzzle velocity expected. In this paper, we established a temperature measured system and used heat conduction mathematical model to evaluate the primer heat flux. In the temperature measured system, we use a copper plate as the conductor to measure the temperature rising of the conductor, and then estimate the heat flux from the measured temperature by using inverse estimated theory. The kalman filter estimation method has good efficiency and tracking and can decrease the noise. Five free lengths (which is the length between primer and conductor) and five different kinds of primer are tested. The results show the peak heat flux occur when free length is 22mm and this means the maximum temperature can reach this far. The experimental is very useful in judging the quality and performance of the primer. |