題 名 | ADI之表面改質及其機械特性研究=The Study on Surface Treatments and Mechanical Characteristics of ADI |
作 者 | 許正勳; 呂榕凱; 蔡榮杰; | 書刊名 | 鑄造工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 30:4=123 2004.12[民93.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-9 |
分類號 | 472.2 |
關鍵詞 | 沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵; 物理氣相沉積類鑽碳膜; 無電鍍鎳; 機械性質; Austempered ductile iron; PVD-DLC; ENi; Mechanical property; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵(ADI)是將球墨鑄鐵經沃斯回火熱處理所得到的新興材料,其基地結構主要為針狀肥粒鐵加上富碳沃斯田鐵所形成之沃斯肥粒鐵(Austerrite)組織,具有成本低廉、高強度、耐磨耗、耐疲勞、輕量化、製震性佳,延韌性佳等優點。然而,在諸多的優勢下,ADI的缺憾是不能進行傳統的表面硬化熱處理,此乃受限於沃斯回火熱處理溫度通常介於Ms~400℃之間,故任何ADI的表面改質處理均不能超過此溫度上限,否則ADI材質可能反而會劣化。 物理氣相沉積法(PVD)已廣泛應用於工業材料表面硬膜披覆之領域上,由於其製程溫度較低(≒300℃)相當適合運用於ADI表面處理 ;類鑽碳膜(DLC)是近年來極具研究發展潛力的硬質薄膜之一,其耐磨耗、耐腐蝕、抗氧化的特性,不僅可以延長刀具及模具的壽命,近來,更有應用於人工關節、光學儀器上。 由於金屬與陶瓷間之熱膨脹係數差異大,以致在接合面之附著力不佳,為了解決此種問題,常在兩者間披覆一中介層,可緩和兩者間之差異。本研究目的主要是將ADI利用無電鍍鎳中介層,進行PVD-DLC的表面改質方式作硬質薄膜的披覆,然後探討此硬膜披覆對ADI機械性質的影響,並進一步分析各種披覆薄膜的特性。 |
英文摘要 | Austempered ductile iron (ADI) is a heat-treated ductile iron with acicular ferrite and high-carbon austenite as the matrix of the microstructure. ADI has the great performance in mechanical properties such as wear resistance, fatigue resistance, high tensile strength, and so on. In general, austempering temperature of ADI is between Ms~400℃, thus, the traditional heat treatment of high temperature for case hardening could not be utilized to treat ADI. Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is widely used in the field of surface coating of tools. The lower temperature (about 300℃) of PVD process is suitable for surface modification of ADI. Diamond-like carbon (DLC) with excellent characteristics of wear resistance, corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance is studied recently. It is also used in biomedical and optical field. The difference of thermal expansion coefficient between base metal and coating layer (ceramic) was the mainly reason about bad adhesion. Adding a buffer layer is a good method to solve this problem. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of different hard coatings (ENi, PVD-DLC and ENi+PVD-DLC) on the mechanical properties of ADI. |