題 名 | 雷射雕刻技術應用於臺灣地區自產材操作條件之試驗=Test of Treatments of a Laser-Engraving Technique on Native Woods of Taiwan |
作 者 | 王瀛生; 林裕仁; 李銘鍾; | 書刊名 | 臺灣林業科學 |
卷 期 | 18:4 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁401-408 |
分類號 | 474.1 |
關鍵詞 | 雷射雕刻加工; 木材比重; 針葉樹材; 闊葉樹材; Laser-engraving process; Wood specific gravity; Softwoods; Hardwoods; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗目的在探討雷射加工技術應用於木質材料時,木材種類、木材構造、操作條件與加工效益之相關性,期以獲得各材種之最佳雷射雕刻條件。本試驗係以24種國產經濟造林木(9種針葉樹及15種闊葉樹)為試驗材料,試驗結果顯示,適合雷射加工的材種以木肌細緻、材色明亮、年輪春秋材變化不明顯的闊葉樹散孔材較佳。就雕刻深度而言,雕刻方向不論是與雷射移動軸平行或與移動軸垂直,所得之結果均無顯著性差異,但是在相同雕刻圖案下,採用與移動軸平行方向雕刻所需時間僅為與移動軸垂直方向者之1/15。此外,加工操作條件以雕刻速度(S)及雷射功率(P)相同值(如S=30, P=30; S=60, P=60; S=90, P=90)所得到之雕刻深度無顯著性差異,亦即具相同之雕刻深度效果;而採用低速度、低功率、平行方向比採用高速度、高功率、垂直方向之操作條件加工可節省能源使用量達近20倍之多,可大量降低雷射加工能源耗用成本,提高產值收益。 |
英文摘要 | In order to obtain the optimal process treatment of a laser-engraving technique, this study was conducted to investigate the process efficiency relationships between wood species with different structures and treatments using laser-engraving machining. The results for 24 major native timber species of Taiwan (including 9 softwoods and 15 hardwoods) indicate that the most-fit timbers for the laser-engraving technique are hardwoods, which have diffuse-porous structures with the properties of being evenly and finely textured, and having bright wood colors and gradually transitional growth rings. As to the engraving depth, there was no significant difference between the engraving directions along the grain and across the grain, and there were also no significant differences with the operation treatments at the same feed speed (S) and power output (P) values (e.g., S=30, P=30; S=60, P=60; and S=90, P=90). The engraving time could be reduced to almost 1/15 when comparing the engraving direction of along the grain to across the grain. This time savings may also save energy expenditures of about 20-fold when the operation treatment is at low speed, with low power, along the grain as compared to that at high speed, with high power, across the grain. This may greatly reduce energy costs of laser-engraving and increase benefits. |