- Analysis of the Baseplate Region of Phage AR1 that Specifically Infects Escherichia coli O157:H7
- Cloning of Mercury Resistance Determinants in Escherichia coli and Analysis of Mercury Reduction Activity in vivo and in vitro
- 即食性沙拉用生菜中Escherichia coli O157:H7之污染
- 宜蘭縣主次要河川水體水質微生物含量變化之研究
- 不同淨水製程單元對市售衛生冰塊水質之影響
- 串聯電極式壓電石英晶體感測器之多通道系統於大腸桿菌的總生菌數檢測
- 大腸桿菌群檢驗方法介紹
- Over-expression and Characterization of Copper/Zinc-superoxide Dismutase from Rice in Escherichia Coli
- 如何檢測與防治漢堡中毒菌--大腸桿菌O157:H7血清型
- 錐形瓶中氣液質傳係數及好氣培養菌體濃度之估算方法