- 柏拉圖《克拉梯樓斯篇》研究
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題 名 | 柏拉圖《克拉梯樓斯篇》研究=A Study of Plato's Cratylus |
作 者 | 彭文林; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學哲學論評 |
卷 期 | 24 2001.01[民90.01] |
頁 次 | 頁165-217 |
分類號 | 141.4 |
關鍵詞 | 柏拉圖; 克拉梯樓斯; 赫摩給內斯; 巴曼尼底斯; 赫拉克利圖; 名詞正確性; 辯證術; 相; 相論; 蘇格拉底字源學; 合於本性; 共同約定; Socrates; Plato; Aristotle; Heraclitus; Parmenides; Cratylus; Hermogenes; Correctness in name; Dialectic; Idea; Doctrine of idea; Naturalistic; Socrates' etymology; Conventionalistic; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近一百五十年來,《克拉梯樓斯篇》解釋上的困難--其解釋的兩面性與矛盾性--自不待言。筆者將研究們所提出的種種關於《克拉梯樓斯篇》的問題以及所討論內容,整理成為以下九個問題: 一、《克拉梯樓斯篇》的寫作目的究竟為何﹖ 二、誰是柏拉圖的反對者﹖ 三、柏拉圖對名詞正確性的問題究竟如何主張﹖ 四、蘇格拉底的字源學是否真有意義﹖ 五、《克拉梯樓斯篇》的成書年代在柏拉圖的哪個著作時期﹖ 六、克拉梯樓斯與赫摩給內斯各自主張什麼學說﹖ 七、亞理斯多德對名詞問題的看法與柏拉圖的看法之間有何不同﹖ 八、克拉梯樓斯作為赫拉克利圖的後學,在此篇中,他的主張是否與亞理斯多德在《物理學以後諸篇》(Metaphysica)中的記載相符合﹖ 九、克拉梯樓斯對赫拉克利圖的學說是否理解正確﹖ 對這九個問題的解答,柏拉圖研究者之間的意見非常分歧。這些意見上的分歧有很多不同的原因,其中最大的原因可能是不同的研究取向先行設立了某種研究價值,因而不可避免地產生《克拉梯樓斯篇》的詮釋困難。 對柏拉圖而言,辯證術就是哲學自身,他的對話錄就是運用辯證術而提出和回答哲學問題的成果。因此,若要理解柏拉圖哲學的精義,首先必須注意對話錄中的問答之間的哲學辯證。身為一個現代的研究者,所面臨的理解困境在於:先行接受了一種分析論的觀點,用這樣的觀點來理解辯證式的對話錄,可能產生若干解釋困境,因為辯證論者常常從事辯證的過渡活動(dialektischer ubergang),而分析論者劃定了穩固的真理界限(befestigter Wahrheitshorizont)。 在研究的步驟上,本文由以下的方式來進行:《克拉梯樓斯篇》的對話人物有蘇格拉底、赫摩給內斯和克拉梯樓斯。本文先分析他們在《克拉梯樓斯篇》中的辯證角色,然後整理出各個他們所主張的、關於名詞正確性的命題,隨後分析對話錄的辯證內容。站在這個詮釋的基礎上,筆者試圖回答上述的九個問題之中的前六個問題和第八個問題。 |
英文摘要 | Since the end of 19th century, it's undoubtedly wellknown between the so-called "Platonforscher" that a lot of the hermeneutic difficulties exist in various interpretations on Plato's Cratylus, especially in respect of the unsolvable contradiction between the conventionalistic-nominalistic and naturalistic realistic interpretations. I try to reduce the discussed problems of this dialogue to the following 9: 1.For what purpose does Plato write Cratylus﹖ 2.Who is Plato's antagonist﹖ 3.What does Plato claim on the correctness in name 4.Is Socrates' etymology strictly meanful﹖ 5.In what chronological period does Plato write this dialogue﹖ 6.What are Cratylus' and Hermogenes' propositions for the correctness of name﹖ 7.What differences between Plato's and Aristotle's assertions about the correctness in name﹖ 8.As a younger disciple of Heraclitus, is Cratylus' stand point the same with Aristotle's report in Metaphysics﹖ 9.Does Cratylus understand Heraclitus' doctrine correctly﹖ There are various answers to the above-mentioned problems between the "Plaotnforscher", because they tempt to solute these problems on the basis of analytical method, Cratylus. By Plato, Philosophizing means "dialegesthai" and dialectic is a method of asking and answering. Platonic dialogues are the results or literal records of the to-and-fro-oration. If one wants to conceive Plato's philosophy, then he must comtemplate argumentative speculation between the partners in dialogue. If one predeterminated his studies with analytic tendence, then he should miss Plato's dialectic activity and its appearantly antinomic consequence. The problems are treated by following theoretical steps: 1.An analysis of the dialectical roles of Socrates, Cratylus and Hermogenes in this dialogue. 2.An anlysis of the different assertions of the correctness in name. 3.On the basis of these two analyses, I try to answer the above-mentioned problems. |