題 名 | 動機、目標設定、行動控制、學習策略之關係:自我調整學習歷程模式之建構及驗證=The Relations among Motivation, Goal Setting, Action Control, and Learning Strategies: The Construct and Verification of Self-regulated Learning Process Model |
作 者 | 程炳林; | 書刊名 | 師大學報. 教育類 |
卷 期 | 46:1 2001.04[民90.04] |
頁 次 | 頁67-92 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 自我調整學習; 動機; 目標設定; 行動控制; 學習策略; 閱讀理解; Self-regulated learning; Motivation; Goal setting; Action control; Learning strategies; Reading comprehension; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 最近的自我調整學習研究逐漸重視特定領域中,學習者的動機信念、目標、行動控制、學習策略等因素的交互關係。本研究綜合有關的文獻,建構一個以閱讀為特定領域的自我調整學習模式。模式中包含閱讀動機、目標設定、行動控制、閱讀策略、閱讀表現五個潛在變項及19個觀察指標。本研究並以結構方程模式(SEM)方法,蒐集觀察資料來驗證理論模式的適配度。受試者來自臺灣北部地區五所國中二年級學生258 名,研究工具包括閱讀理解測驗(甲、乙式)、閱讀情感反應量表、閱讀動機量表、目標設定量表、行動控制量表、行動覺察量表、閱讀策略量表、策略覺察量表等。研究結果顯示本研究所建構的自我調整學習模式和觀察資料可以適配,而且也支持最近自我調整學習的研究結果。本研究根據研究結果在理論上的涵義進行討論,並提出未來研究上的建議。 |
英文摘要 | Recent research on self-regulated learning has stressed the importance of motivational belief, goal setting, action control, and learning strategies in domain specific learning process. This study was an attempt to build a structural model of the relationships among reading motivation, goal setting, action control, reading strategies, and reading performance based on recently self-regulated learning literature. Using a structural equation modeling with the LISREL computer program, the presented study assessed the goodness of fit between empirically observed data and self-regulated learning model proposed by the author. Participants were 258 eighth-grade students (53% males) from five junior high schools in Taiwan northern area. The instruments employed in this study include: Reading Comprehension Test (A & B), Affective Reaction Inventory, Motivation Inventory, Goal Setting Inventory, Action Control Inventory, Awareness of Action Inventory, Reading Strategies Inventory, Awareness of Strategies Inventory. Results showed that the theoretical model fitted the observed data well and that the presented study supported recent results of research on self-regulated learning. Implications for theory, research, and practice are discussed. |