- 自我調整學習模式之驗證
- 以指定與自定目標的形式驗證運動中目標設定的論戰--兼論目標過程中之自我效能、滿足感與努力度
- 目標設定、自我效能、競爭及個人特質與運動表現之影響
- 電腦技能學習者過去的績效、目標認同、電腦自我效能及電腦績效因果關係之驗證--社會認知理論與目標設定理論的整合
- Children's Self-Efficacy Beliefts, Goal-Setting Behaviors, and Self-Regulated Learning
- 目標設定與同儕比較對兒童自我效能及除法學習表現之影響
- A Confirmatory Study on Self-Efficacy, Goal Setting, Attribution, and English Achievement in College Students: The Longitudinal Design
- 目標設定、自我效能與運動表現間關係之研究
- 體育教師自我效能之探討
- The Effect of Goal Setting of EFL Students' Self-efficacy and Motivation
題 名 | 自我調整學習模式之驗證=The Certification of the Self-Regulated Learning Model |
作 者 | 劉佩雲; | 書刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
卷 期 | 23(上) 民89.06 |
頁 次 | 頁173-205 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 自我調整學習模式; 行動取向; 行動控制策略; 自我效能; 目標設定; Self-regulated learning model; Action orientation; Action control strategy; Self efficacy; Goal setting; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在統整自我調整學習理論以建立自我調整學習模式,並以數學四則運算測驗所得之實際資料進行模式驗證,以探討影響國小六年級兒裡自我調整學習的因素及其因果關係。本研究以台北縣、市國小六年級學生299人為研究對象,經運用行動取向量表、自我效能量表、目標承諾量表、行動控制情境晤談、情感反應問題及數學四則混合運算測驗等研究工具,所獲得資料以LISREL統計方法進行分析,結果發現:一、本研究之自我調整學習模式與實際資料可以適配,表示本研究所提出的自我調整學習理論模式可以解釋國小六年級學童的觀察資料。二、自我調整學習模式中,行動取向對行動控制策略具直接效果;自我效能對工作表現具直接效果;自我效能對目標設定具直接效果;目標設定對行動控制策略具直接效果;而工作表現對情感反應具直接效果。此外、自我效能對情感反應及行動控制策略具間接效果。本研究進一步提出對教育、輔導與未來研究的建議,以為參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study were to construct a model of self-regulated learning and to certify it with data from sixth grade elementary school students. The participants were 299 students from 4 elementary schools in Taipei. The instruments used in this study include:Action Orientation Inventory、Self Efficacy Inventory、Goal Setting Inventory、Interview of Action Control Strategy、Affective Response Inventory、and Inventory of Mathematics Test. The collected data were analyzed with LISREL. The major findings were:(1) the value of chi-square was not significant at the 0.5 level and meant that the model of self-regulated learning fit the observed data well;(2) the direct effects in the self-regulated learning model were significant regarding action orientation with action control strategy、self efficacy with work performance、self efficacy with goal setting、goal setting with action control strategy、and work performance with effective response;the indirect effects were significant regarding self efficacy with action control strategy and effective response. |