- 探討初產婦坐月子期間身體活動狀況及其代表意義
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題 名 | 探討初產婦坐月子期間身體活動狀況及其代表意義=The Conditions and Their Physical Activities of Primipara during Doing the Month |
作 者 | 江曉菁; 余玉眉; | 書刊名 | 大仁學報 |
卷 期 | 18 2000.05[民89.05] |
頁 次 | 頁221-235 |
分類號 | 419.74 |
關鍵詞 | 初產婦; 坐月子期間; 身體活動; Primipara; Doing the month; Physical activities; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討初產婦坐月子期間身體活動狀況及其代表意義。研究的方法是採田野調查法。而資料收集的方式分二個階段:第一個階段是採低結構深度訪談,將初產婦所表達有關生活運作的自發性語言及非語言性行為,以敘述性方式真實的寫成行為過程,然後加以有系統的分析,發展出活動記錄表格和代碼表。第二個階段是採研究對象自填活動記錄,然後研究者於探視研究對象時收回。為增加研究對象填寫資料的意願及正確性,在資料收集前,研究者從研究對象產後的第一天起護理個案,至個案出院止共三天,目的是為與個案建立良好關係,以便收集到真實資料。 資料收集後,將有系統的加以整理、分析、歸類和量化。從初產婦的活動記錄資料,共歸納出裝修自己、照護新生兒、維持社會關係等三大類之活動意義,其所佔的時間比例分別為65.3%(15小時41分/24.00小時)、24.9%(5小時59分/24.00小時)和9.7%(2小時20分/24.00小時)。此資料將有助於醫護人員深入瞭解初產婦產後活動之意義,並作為提供適切性護理照護之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to explore the conditions and their representative meanings of physical activities of primipara during Doing The Month. Field method was adopted in this study. Data collection included two stages: First stage were collected by in-depth interviews, the researcher recorded the verbal expression and non-verbal behavior of those primipara. By means of content analysis, the verbal behaviors of the subjects were systematically analyzed and categorized and categorized to developed recording form and codes. Second stage were collected by recording forms filled by the voluntary subjects. All activities were represented by specific codes and recorded into the recording form designed by the researcher. The researcher visited the subject as a care-giver and provided the postpartum nursing services. To enhance the intention to fill the forms and the accuracy of the data, good relationships were tried to establish between researcher and subjects by nursing services from 8 o’clock 12 o’clock for continuous mornings after childbirth. The data were systematically rearranged, analyzed and categorized and digitized after collection. The results showed the purposes of primpara activities during Doing The Month included: equipping self, caring the newborn and sustaining social relationship. The percentages of time spent for each purpose were 65.3% (15 hours 41 minutes/24.00 hours)、24.9% (5 hours 59 minutes/24.00 hours) and 9.7% (2 hours 20 minutes/24.00 hours) respectively. Through this study we can understand further the purposes of primipara activities during postpartum. The study provides the nursing staffs a well-documented reference for appropriate care. |