題 名 | 國中學生身體活動量與體適能相關因素研究=A Study of Physical Activity Level and Its Affecting Factors of Junior Students in Taipei City |
作 者 | 李彩華; 方進隆; | 書刊名 | 體育學報 |
卷 期 | 25 1998.07[民87.07] |
頁 次 | 頁139-148 |
分類號 | 993.16 |
關鍵詞 | 身體活動量; 社會支持; 自我效能; 健康體適能; Physical activity; Social support; Self-efficacy knowledge of physical fitness; Physical fitness; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以台北市八所國民中學學生為母群,採分層抽樣,共得有效樣本 676名,參加體能檢測與問卷調查,體能測試項目有:(一)身體質量指數,(二)一 分鐘仰臥起坐,(三)坐姿體前彎,(四)心肺耐力(男生1600公尺、女生800公尺 跑走)。本研究將所獲得的資料與活動量值以單因子變異數、積差相關與逐步 迴歸分析處理,結果發現(一)身體活動量因性別、年級等個人因素而有顯著的 差異,男生顯著高於女生:一年級與二年級皆高於三年級。(二)台北市國中學生 在假日所從事的中重度身體活動頻率較平時多,且以(壘)球、排球、桌球、 保齡球、騎腳踏車等的休閒活動居多。(三)身體活動量與運動社會支持、運動自 我效能、健康體適能因素呈顯著正相關,顯示增君運動社會支持及自我效能對 身體活動量的提昇有很大的助益。(四)身體活動量可由性別、年級、社會支持、 自我效能、有無規律運動來預測,並可解釋23.8%的變異量,其中以性別最 具預測力。 根據本研究結果,適度增加學生之社會支持及運動自我效能有助於學生身 體活動量的提昇,且不論是休閒或星期假日時的各類身體活動參與亦能有效增 加活動量與健康體適能。因此,建議教育單位可由建立健康體觀念、加強學 生社會學習與規律性的身體活動以及多鼓勵女學生於學校內及休閒時各種身體 活動的參與,以達到降低慢性疾病與增加健康體能之重要目標。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study were to determine the physical activity level and its affecting factors of junior students in Taipei City. The physical fitness, social support, self-efficacy and physical fitness knowledge classified by 3 varied degree of physical activity leavel of each subjects, were classified to compare the difference, In addition, the related variables were used to predict the physical activity levels. Totally 676 junior students from 8 junior schools in Taipei City were stratified and chosen randomly as subjects. Each subject was asked to fill out the designed questionnaires of the related variables and received a battery of physical fitness test. The physical fitness test items included:1) body mass index. 2) one-minute sit-up, 3) sit and reach, 4) 1600m (male) or 800m (female) run-walk test. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Step-wise linear regression. The results were followed: 1.The sex and age of the subjects have a significant effect on physical activity 2.The junior students involved more in moderate-vigorous physical activities on weekend leisure time than that of weekday. The more popular activities were playing baseball, soft baseball, volley ball, table tennis, ten pins bowling and riding bicycle. 3.The moderate-vigorous physical activity of junior students had significant relationship with social support, self-efficacy and physical fitness. 4.The 23.8% variance of physical activity could be explained by sex, age, self-efficacy, social support and regular exercise babits. 5.The self-efficacy, social support, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance of high physical activity subjects were significantly better than that of middle physical activity ones. The self-efficacy social support, cardiovascular endurance of middle physical activity subjects were significantly better than that of low physical activity ones. |