題 名 | 女性國小教師在工作、家庭、及進修角色之衝突及適應歷程分析--以屏東女性教師為例=Role-conflicts and Coping Strategies of Female Elementary School Teachers |
作 者 | 莊慧美; 田秀蘭; | 書刊名 | 中華輔導學報 |
卷 期 | 6 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁231-266 |
分類號 | 523.352 |
關鍵詞 | 自我效能預期; 社會支持; 角色衝突; 適應歷程; Role conflict; Coping strategies; Self-efficacy; Social support; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在探討國小女性教師在家庭、工作、及進修三方面角色的衝突情 形以及適應歷程,採質化研究方法,以九位屏東師院研究所四十學分班在職進修女性教師為 研究對象,進行深度訪談。所得資料經轉錄為逐字稿,並以現象學編碼,萃取主題類別及核 心概念之後,歸納出以下重要發現:(一)女性教師在家庭、工作、及進修三方面角色的衝突 內容包括子女教養、夫妻關係、婆媳關係等問題、時間不足分擔各種角色、上了年紀精力不 夠充足、家庭及學校內各自的權力分配問題等;(二)女性教師在家庭、工作及進修三方面適 應歷程可分為調整為人處事的心態、承擔各種角色的責任、尋求相關支援、相互尊重、釐清 自己與他人的界線、轉換角色、改變生活環境等。此外,本研究並討論個人在衝突適應歷程 中,自我效能、傳統或現代觀念、以及社會支持等心理變項與其適應過程之間的關係。最後 並就主要研究結果提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the role conflict and coping strategies of female elementary school teachers. Nine teachers who enrolled in the graduate in-service training program at Pingtung Teachers College were invited to participate a semi-structured interview. The qualitative research method was used to analyze the collected data. It was found that the sources of role conflict between work, family, and advanced study induce child rearing problems, family relationship, shortage of time and energy, sex-role attitude, values, and social skills. As far as the coping staratgies, those female teachers usually adjust their attitude toward self, try the best to get along well with otheres, seek for support, clarify the self-other relationship, and open themselves to other roles. Psychological attitude with regard to self-efficacy, modernization, and social support were also discussed. |