- 德明商專體育課身體活動量及能量消耗之估算--有關記步器與RPE之使用
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題 名 | 德明商專體育課身體活動量及能量消耗之估算--有關記步器與RPE之使用=The Evaluation of Students' Activity and Energy Consumption in P.E. Class in Teh-ming Business Vocational School: By Ues of Pedometer and RPE |
作 者 | 張宏明; 黃漢年; | 書刊名 | 銘傳學刊 |
卷 期 | 9:1 1998.01[民87.01] |
頁 次 | 頁47-61 |
分類號 | 528.9017 |
關鍵詞 | 步行; 記步器; 身體活動量; Walking; Pedometer; Physical activity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以記步器Pedometer記錄體育課上課時之步行數,探討學生之身體活動量,並利用 RPE 客觀的探討學生對體育課興趣選項各項運動之運動強度及能量消耗如何?為本研究之目 的。 受試者以德明商業專科學校四、五年級女生 216 名為對象, 進行連續四週(民國 85 年 4 月 8 日至 5 月 6 日)體育課身體活動量之測驗。獲得之結果,經分析與討論後得到 下列結論: (一)體育課興趣選項各項運動各組間第一節身體活動量之差異與第二節各組間身體活動量 之差異原因,可能是因為各項運動方式不同所造成。 (二)體育課興趣選項排球、巧固球、羽球、土風舞等四項運動第二節之身體活動量都大於 該項運動第一節之身體活動量,且都有達到顯著差異( P<0.05 )。這點說明了,學生對體 育課興趣選項第二節之活動程度與參與感高於體育課興趣選項第一節。 (三)從本研究第二節體育課 RPE 與能量消耗之結果, 客觀的能夠說明體育課興趣選項各 項運動之運動強度與能量消耗,在大體上是不相同。且能利用本研究方法,簡單的了解該項 運動後之能量消耗有多少,期能作為爾後從事各項運動及體育課程安排資料。 從上述之結論,我們可以知道一節體育課興趣選項各項運動之身體活動量,的確不同。就從 各項運動身體活動量之不同觀點來看,客觀的知道學生對體育課興趣選項各項運動上課之活 動程度與參與感。 又從 RPE 及能量消耗之結果,簡單的能夠了解對該項運動後之能量消耗 了多少,作為改善下次運動時的一種參考。總括本次研究之結果,期能作為爾後學生在體育 課上課時之參考及體育課課程安排之利用。 |
英文摘要 | The study is to research the students' physical activity in P.E. class by using pedometer. Throught we observe the students' interest in choosing energy consumption and the sports. The subjects are 216 forth and fifth grade female students in Teh-ming Business Vocational School. The students have to be studied for their physical activity. After analyzing and discussing the result, we know: 1. The difference of energy consumption in the first and the second P.E. class is related to the different athletic styles. 2. In volleyball, badminton, chuckball and folkdance classes, the students' physical activity in the second class is much more than that in the first one (P<0.05). It proves that the students' particiption in the second P.E. class is much than that in the first period. 3. The result of RPE and energy consumption in the second P.E. class explains objectively that the strength and energy consumption of each sport is different general. Easily, we understand the amount of the energy consumption. That provide us some information about each sports and plans in P.E. class. To sum up, we know the physical activity in each sports is differ- ent. From the point of view physical activity of each sports, we rec-ognize the students athletic level and participation objectively. And from the result of RPE and energy consumption, we can easily under-stand that the amount of the energy consumption. And this can provide us some information about each sports and plans in P.E. class. I hope this research will help the school to make good arragements in the P.E. class. |