- 嘉寶瓜新品種--西瓜澎湖3號
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題 名 | 嘉寶瓜新品種--西瓜澎湖3號=Breeding of New Watermelon Variety Penghu 3 |
作 者 | 施純堅; 韓青梅; | 書刊名 | 高雄區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 11:1 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁22-47 |
分類號 | 435.264 |
關鍵詞 | 嘉寶瓜; 西瓜; 新品種; Watermelon; New variety; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 嘉寶瓜新品種-西瓜澎湖3號(商業名稱:翠嘉寶),品系代號澎湖選育24,係於民國84年春作選出,經過各級產量試驗,澎湖地方試驗及各項特性檢定試驗後育成之新品種。本品種具有早生,果型整齊,高產量之優點。春作於播種後約31天即可開花,夏作約27天,比對照品種作各早1至2天。春作果實授粉後約31天成熟,夏作約27天即可採收。果重約2.1.2.5公斤,適合小家庭消費。其平均產量比對照種(後寮種)高出10.6%,每果平均種子數量約為240粒左右,比對照品種減少40%,種子百粒重約為4.8g,比對照品種減少50%。糖度介於10.2.11.2 Brix 0 之間,比對照種高1.2 0Brix。質地甜脆,口感特殊。本品種於民國88年5月通過命名審查,並於民國89年元月獲得行政院農業委員會植物新品種登記證(品種登字第B00141號),依植物種苗法第七條之規定得推廣及銷售。 |
英文摘要 | Penghu 3(breeding line was named Penghu selection 24)was selected from pure line 81Y-1-4-3-15-9-6-2 in 1995. After a series of selection and yield trials, conducted throughout in Penghu area, the experimental results showed that this variety had early maturing, uniform fruit shape and higher yield. The growth duration from transplanting to flowering was about 31days in spring crops and 27days in summer crops, which was 1 to 2 days earlier than local variety. Fruit weight of 2.1~2.5Kg, which is suitable for small family consumption. The average yield was 10.6% higher than control variety Hauo-liaw. The seed number and 100 seeds weight of this variety was 40.0% and 50.0% lower than the variety Hauo-liaw respectively. However, sugar content was 1 to 2 0 Brix higher than the check variety, with good quality and tasting. It is recommended to growers that Penghu 3 can grow both in spring and summer crops in Penghu. |