題 名 | 草苺桃園三號之育成=Breeding of Strawberry Cultivar Taoyuan 3 |
作 者 | 李窓明; 李聯興; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 39 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-17 |
分類號 | 435.365 |
關鍵詞 | 草苺; 實生苗; 育種; Strawberry; Seedling; Breeding; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為育成適應本省氣候環境,株型直立,葉片大,花梗粗長,果實碩大、鮮紅亮麗,中度硬實且糖度佳,早期產量與總產量均高之早生品種,以應觀光草莓園之需要,1988年春季自桃園一號自然雜交實生後代中選出優良單株77-18,歷經系統、品系與區域試驗,於1998年12月17日命名為草莓桃園三號。 本品種植株生育旺盛,高大直立,葉片大,與桃園一號比較,其葉數較少,葉色稍淡,10月下旬開始開花,11月中旬開始採收,屬於早生品種,果實短圓錐型,碩大,香氣濃,鮮紅光澤,糖度與硬度屬中度等級,對果腐病、炭疽病、白粉病及二點葉?較具耐性,早期產量與總產量高,為一豐產品種,適於觀光草莓園推廣。 |
英文摘要 | The objective is aimed to breeding an improved strawberry variety with erect plant growth trait, large leaves, large size of the berries, shiny red color of fruit, medium firmness and high sugar content and yielding as well as early maturity to meet the requirement of Self-picking strawberry gardens. A single plant coded as 77-18 was selected during the spring of 1988 from natural crossing plants of Taoyuan 1. A series of experiments such as line test, primary yield test, advanced yield test and regional yield trial were conducted. Finally Taoyuan 3 was released on Dec. 17, 1998. Taoyuan 3 is an early maturing variety with high vigorous in growth, erect and tall plant height, large leaf, smaller leaf number and light green leaf color. The flowering time begin in late of October and it can be harvested from mid-November. The berries are large in size, short conical in shape, rich in flavor, shiny and red fruit color, with medium firmness and sugar content. Taoyuan 3 is more tolerant to pests such as fruit rot, anthracnose powder mildew and two-spotted spider mite than Taoyuan 1. It is a high-yielding variety both at the early harvesting stage and the total yield. It is a variety suitable for Self-picking strawberry garden. |