題 名 | 豌豆臺中14號之育成=Development of a New Green Pea Variety, Taichung 14[fec1] |
作 者 | 郭俊毅; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 58 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁21-32 |
分類號 | 434.235 |
關鍵詞 | 豌豆; 青仁; 育種; 白粉病; Pisum sativum; Green peas; Vegetable breeding; Powdery mildew resistance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺中14號係臺中區農業改良場為改良本省嫩豆用豌豆品種之缺點,於民國78年以 半蔓性。中晚生、豆莢豐圓長直、豆粒中大、豐產、質佳之嫩豆用品種「薩摩」為母本,與 半蔓性、中晚生、抗白粉病、豆莢長大、 豆粒亦大之甜豌豆品系「臺中 78 ∼ 203 」為父 本進行雜交。雜交後裔採用混合及系統並行法選拔,為加速世代之演進,在 F �窗� F �ㄝ� ,每年培育 2 ∼ 3 個世代。之後於民國 81 年由其雜交後代,選出大莢、大粒並抗白粉病 之優良品系臺中仁系 21 號,並經過初級及高級品系比較試驗、地方適應性試驗及重要園藝 特性檢定試驗之結果,成績極為優良,於民國 87 年元月 22 日獲准登記命名及推廣。本品 種株高約 90.7cm,主蔓約自第 20 節起開始開花,花白色,每花梗多數著生一朵花。 豆莢 始收日數約在播種後 76 ∼ 81 天,比對照品種「青仁」早 1 ∼ 3 天。 單莢重 7.8g,較 「青仁」增加 28.7%;由於豆莢粗大,可提高採收效率。 嫩豆仁綠色,鼓形,百粒重 71.8g ,較「青仁」增大 20.5%,極受市場歡迎。地方適應性試驗以稻田不整地方式栽培時,每公 頃之豆莢產量約 11mt,平均較「青仁」增產 22.7%。 其剝實率約 51.5%,換算嫩豆產量為 5.67mt/ha。 本品種抗白粉病,可節省噴藥防治成本及避免藥害及殘毒情形發生。惟本品種 嫩豆粒色較淺,糖度較低,品質略遜於「青仁」。此外,剝實率則略低於「青仁」。然而由 於本品種具有抗白粉病、豐產、大莢、大粒等優良特性,對於提高本省豌豆單位面積產量及 增加農民收益將有很大助益。 |
英文摘要 | Taichung 14 is a newly bred variety of green peas (Pisum sativum L.) which is developed by Taichung District Agricultural Station using bulk and pedigree breeding method from the cross Satsuma x Taichung 78 ∼ 203 in 1989. It was registered and released in January 1998. The plant is of the semi-dwarf type, generally reaching 90.7 cm in height with dark green leaves and more branches than Dark Skin Perfection (DSP). Flower is white in color with single flower per peduncle. First fruit set begins roughly on the 20th node and first picking date for tender seed starts at 76 ∼ 81 days after sowing, which is 1 ∼ 3 days earlier than DSP. Pods are dark green, straight, thick-walled, blunt ended, borne singly and weighing 7.8g per pod, about 28.7% heavier than DSP. Owing to the larger pods, it is labor-saving for hand picking. Each pod contains 6.7 tender seeds with green in color and sugar content of 15.7 ° Brix. The weight of 100 tender seeds is 71.8g, nearly 20.5% bigger than DSP. The local market highly appreciated this new variety because of its large tender seed and good quality. Results of local yield trial showed that pod yield of Taichung 14 under no-till and notrellis condition averaged approximately 11 metric tons per hectare, that was almost 22.7% higher than DSP. The shelling rate of this variety is 51.5%, so the tender seed yield per hectare should be 5.67 metric tons by conversion. The stem and pod of this variety are resistant to powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni DC.), only the leaf is slightly susceptible but does not affect its plant vigor and pod yield. The quality of tender seed is slightly inferior to DSP on account of lighter color and lower soluble solid content than DSP. Besides, the shelling rate is slightly lower than DSP due to thicker shell of the pod. However, with outstanding performances in high yield, large pod, big tender seed, and powdery mildew resistance, this new variety has brought an enthusiastic response from farmers. |