題 名 | 在解構中走向重建--師院「四書」教學的省思、建構與分享=From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Reflections, Construction and Shares on the Teaching of the "Four Books" in the Setting of Normal Colleges |
作 者 | 林月惠; | 書刊名 | 通識教育季刊 |
卷 期 | 6:1 民88.03 |
頁 次 | 頁49-75 |
分類號 | 522.63097 |
關鍵詞 | 四書; 經典教學; 通識教育; 師範教育; 建構主義; 人文精神; Four books; Classical teaching; General education; Normal education; Constructivism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中國文化經典中,以《四書》最能代表儒家人文精神的內涵,這也是當今大學通識教育的主要發展方向。因次,以《四書》經典教學作為通識教育的重要模式,有其可行性。值得注意的是國內高等教育中,以師範院校最強調「人文精神」的培養。數十年來,臺灣的師範院校,實際上是以《四書》教學為樞紐,來達成師範教育與通識教育所欲陶成的人文素養。因而,本文首先對師院《四書》教學的概況與困境。其次以嘉義師院的《四書》為例,採取質的研究方法,實際建構師院的《四書》教學。舉凡教學的定位、目標、策略與教學方法,都有詳細的展示與說明,且有實務經驗上的課程設計舉例。最後本文更從學生的觀點,敘述課堂經驗的分享。筆者希望藉由省思與建構師院的《四書》教學,思者中國傳統經典實際運用於今日臺灣之大學通識教育的相關問題,並強調大學通識教育的落實,必須以文化意識為基礎,才是有本有源的教育洞見。 |
英文摘要 | "Four Books" contains most the essence of Confucian humanism among Chinese cultural classics and thus has become the mainstream for general human education in college in Taiwan. Therefore, using "Four Books" as a model for classic teaching is practical. (It is pointed out that among higher education in Taiwan normal college education emphasize especially the development of humanism in students.) in the past forty odd years, normal education in Taiwan has been centered around "Four Books" teaching to equip students with adequate learning in humanism. This paper reflects "Four Books" teaching in normal college and points out the situations and difficulties encountered during and after martial law periods. Then framework of "Four Books" teaching for normal college students is qualitatively constructed based on my lecturing in experiences in Chia-yi Normal College. Also, the goals, objectives, strategies and teaching methods are demonstrated and explained in detail, examples of tested teaching modules given and viewpoints from the students taking the course shares. It is suggested problems associated with Chinese classic teaching for general education in Taiwan's college be seriously considered in response to the findings in this paper and emphasized that cultural consciousness is the very basis for general education in colleges to be successful. |