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題 名 | 腐朽菌種對木材耐腐朽性評估之影響=Effects of Various Wood-rotting Fungi on the Evaluation of Decay Resistance of Wood |
作 者 | 張上鎮; 吳季玲; 張惠婷; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 18:4 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁355-362 |
分類號 | 436.56 |
關鍵詞 | 耐腐朽性; 針葉樹; 闊葉樹; 白腐菌; 褐腐菌; Decay resistance; Softwood; Hardwood; White-rot fungi; Brown-rot fungi; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究根據CNS木材耐腐朽性試驗,以自腐菌C. versicolor與褐腐菌L. sulphureus作為供試菌種,對臺灣衫、杉木、柳杉、美國鐵杉、赤揚、紅樑木及硬攝木等7種木材進行耐腐朽試驗,研究結果顯示臺灣杉心材及柳杉心材的耐腐朽性最強,並證實此乃因為這2種木材中含有相當量的耐腐朽性甲醇抽出物;而赤楊的耐腐朽性最差,為不具耐腐朽性之樹種。此外,由試驗結果顯示自腐菌C. vers icolor對於臺灣杉等4種針葉樹材無法分解消化,不適宜作為針葉樹材之試驗菌種,故本研究男外再選用台灣常見的6種腐朽菌,包括Lenzites betulina,Pycnoporus coccineus,Trichaptum abietinum,Antro dia taxa Oligopor us lowei,Phaeolus schweinitzii等作為供試菌種,以臺灣杉邊材與赤楊為試材,進行菌種對耐腐朽性試驗影響之評估,試驗結果顯示褐腐菌L. sulphureus及白腐菌L. betulina對針、闊葉樹材均有相當強的腐朽力,故適宜供作針、闊葉樹材耐腐朽性試驗之菌種。另外,白腐菌C. versicolor及褐腐菌O. lowei對赤楊之腐朽速率分別為各菌種中最快的,故可供作評估闊葉樹材耐腐朽性之試驗菌種。 |
英文摘要 | Wood specimens of seven species including Taiwania cryptomerioides, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Cryptomeria japonica, Tsuga hetero phylla, Quercus sp., Acer sp. and Alnus formosana -were examined using CNS 6717-02027 method to evaluate their decay resistance to white-rot fungus C. versicolor and brown-rot fungus L. sulphureus. The results showed that heartwood of both Taiwania cryptomerioides and Cryptomeria japonica exhibited the highest resistance of all specimens, which was proven to be attributed to the abundance of methanol extractives. However, Alnus formosana showed the lowest decay resistance and was reputed to be the perishable species. Results of weight loss of four softwood species revealed that C. versicolor was unable to degrade them, suggesting it was an inappropriate fungus to evaluate the decay resistance of softwoods. Further examination using six domestic fungi, Lenzites betulina, Pycnoporus coccineus, Trichaptum abietinum, Antrodia taxa, Oligo porus lowei, Phaeolus schweinitzii, and two wood specimens including the sapwood of Taiwania cryptomerioides and Alnus formosana were then carried out to study the effects of various wood-rotting fungi on the evaluation of decay resistance of wood. Results showed that L. sulphureus and L. betulina invaded both softwoods and hardwoods and the rate of weight loss was quite fast. Thus, these two fungi were quite suitable for evaluating the decay resistance of both softwoods and hardwoods. In addition, since the rate of weight loss of Alnus formosana caused by C. versicolor and O. lowei was pretty significant, they could be used to evaluate the decay resistance of hardwoods. |