題 名 | 人口結構與組織績效:臺灣企業之分析=Demographic Composition and Organizational Performance: An Analysis of Enterprises in Taiwan |
作 者 | 蘇國賢; 陳心田; 葉匡時; 蘇國賢; 葉匡時; 陳心田; | 書刊名 | 臺大管理論叢 |
卷 期 | 10:1 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-38 |
分類號 | 494.3 |
關鍵詞 | 組織人口; 員工流動; 組織績效; Organizational demography; Employee turnover; Organizational performance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 人口結構與組織績效問的關聯性為何,在組織人口學的研究領域裡,尚無定論。 為了進一步瞭解這類問題, 本研究採用資產報酬率、經濟生產力與價格 - 成本邊際此三個 衡量績效的指標,對台沿企業的人口結構、人口流動與組織績效三者問的關係,做一個探索 性的研究。結果發現:(1). 年資結構型態與組織績效無關,但年齡結構為金字塔形的組織, 其績效比菱形的組織佳。 (2). 無論是年齡結構或年資結構型態對組織績效的影響,均未受 到人員流動的干擾而有所改變,此結果肯定了人口結構對組織績效的直接效果。 |
英文摘要 | Despite the large amount of extensive research on organizational demography, there has been a lack of conclusive evidence concerning the effects of organizational demography on performance outcomes. This study uses three different measures of performance---return on assets, economic productivity index, and price-cost margin---to investigate the relationships among organizational demography, employee turnover, and performance. Analysis of data from over 6,000 firms suggest that (1). Seniority configuration is unrelate to performance, but performance of the pyramidal organization is higher than diamond for dge structure (2). the effects of age and seniority structure on performance do not seem to disappear even after turnover rate is introduced as a intervening variable, suggesting a robust direct effect of organizational demography on performance. |