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題 名 | 品質管理與組織氣候及績效之關聯性分析=The Association between Quality Management and Organizational Climate as Well as Performance |
作 者 | 林清河; 周福星; 譚伯群; 施坤壽; | 書刊名 | 中山管理評論 |
卷 期 | 6:4 民87.冬 |
頁 次 | 頁1057-1080 |
分類號 | 494.2 |
關鍵詞 | 品質管理; 組織氣候; 組織績效; Total quality management; Organizational climate; Organizational performance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,工商競爭日益激烈,消費者的品質意識高漲,品質管理日漸受到重視,過去品質管理實務上極為流行之品質保證理念已演變為以顧客為導向之全面品質管理(TQM)理念。根據相關研究發現,品質管理為企業競爭之重要利器之一,優良的品質成為產品佔有市場之主要依據。有鑑於全面品質管理已蔚為品質活動的主要方法與理念,且攸關TQM之論述亦述明TQM已不僅是純粹技術面問題,其亦涉及各種管理層面問題。因此本研究以臺灣製造業為研究對象,進行有關組織氣候、全面品質管理與組織績效之關連性模式的實證研究。歸納研究結果,顯示組織氣候、品質管理及組織績效存在著下述關係: 1.「溝通導向型」組織氣候廠商較重視品質管理活動,其次為「工作導向型」組織氣候廠商。 2.品質管理關鍵因素中的高階管理階層所扮演的角色、品管部門所扮演的角色、供應商的品質管理、製程管理、品質資料及報告與組織績效皆有顯著的正相關。 |
英文摘要 | Recently, there has been a significant shift in the quality movement from the traditional quality assurance (TQA) practice to total quality management (TQM). Total quality management (TQM) is an approach to quality that is customer driven. This approach emphasizes the involvement and commitment of every employee in an organization on order to provide quality products and services to customers. Customers are increasingly sophisticated and have more complex demands that have to be satisfied. If TQM is achieved, the organization is able to improve productivity, competitiveness and its market share. Although total quality management is vogue in today's management practice, however, the avalanche of literature in this area has failed to provide empirical evidence on how to further improve quality other than recycling what we already know about TQM. Furthermore, the environments of enterprises in Taiwan might he different from that in other industrialized countries. Therefore, this paper studies the associations among organizational climate, performance, and total quality management of manufacturing firms in Taiwan. Conclusively, the results reveal the following relationships among there three dimensions. 1.Firms with communication-oriented climate emphasize more on quality management activities than firms with task-oriented climate. 2.There is a significant positive-relationship between organizational performance and some of the critical factors of TQM, which include Top management leadership, role of the quality department, supplier quality management, process management, quality data reporting. |