題 名 | 柳杉與定向粒片板釘接側向拉伸疲勞行為=The Fatigue Behaviors of Lateral Resistance of Nail Joint between Japanese Cedar and Orineted Strand Board |
作 者 | 蘇文清; 王怡仁; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 18:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁279-285 |
分類號 | 436.18 |
關鍵詞 | 釘; 側向拉伸; 拉伸疲勞試驗; 柳杉; 定向粒片板; Box nail; Lateral resistance; Fatigue test; Japanese cedar; Oriented strand board; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 鐵釘由於能提供木結構中接合部位適當的強度和挻性,再配合以氣動釘槍的使用 ,故能快速施工,所以被廣泛的運用於木結構中。本研究利用省產柳杉造林木為主元件而以 定向粒片板為側元件施以單一釘接觀測其測向拉伸在靜態與動態的行為。所用釘尺寸有 N38 和 N50 兩種, 柳杉實木橫斷面為 38x89mm, 而定向粒片板有 9mm 和 12mm 兩種,長均為 210mm。施力方向又依定向粒片板的方向分為平行木理 (A) 和垂直木理 (E)。實驗方式為先 將各組合施以靜態載重至破壞, 記錄其破壞載重,然後再針對 N38 的接合施以拉伸疲勞試 驗,拉伸疲勞試驗的載重基準為平均靜態破壞載重的 60 %和 70 %,載重形式為以載重基 準為波峰,零載重為波谷且頻率為 2Hz 的正弦波。 在靜態方面,接合的破壞載重、破壞時 的滑動量、及剛性在相同的厚度和方向時,均以 N50 的接合大於 N38 的接合。定向粒片板 方向的影響在 N38 接合時較無一致的結果,但在 N50 的接合則合發現平行木理和垂直大理 會出現較明顯的差異,除破壞載重和破壞時的滑動量外,其餘性質均可觀察到平行木理的載 重值和剛性值會高於垂直木理的情形。 由 N50 的接合亦可觀察到在足夠釘入深度時側元件 板厚的影響不顯著。以 N38 接合的拉伸疲勞試驗結果顯示在 70 %載重基準時 E12、A12、 E9 及 A9 到破壞的疲勞次數分別為 69804、89465、54612 和 56271,而在 60 %載重基準 時則為 187437、127089、100 萬及 68451。其中 E9 有 80 %在到達 100 萬次後仍未破壞 ,顯示其疲勞限度載重應在載重基準 60 %以下。另斷釘處常發生在主元件的柳杉亦顯示木 材的側向拉伸中釘子不能假設為懸臂樑的受力情形。 |
英文摘要 | Nails have been used extensively in wood structure due to their sufficient joint strength and stiffness. In this study, two by four inch domestic Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica)lumber is used as the main member and oriented strand board (OSB) is used as side member jointed by a single box nail to test the static and dynamic behavior in lateral resistance. Two sizes of nail(N38 and N50) are used. Two thickness of OSB of 9 and 12 mm are tested. Two loading direction were considered in parallel and perpendicular to the long axis of OSB. All joints are statically loaded to failure to record their maximum load and other characteristics. The dynamic test was carried out in the joints which were connected by N38 box nail. The load levels are 60 % and 70 % of the average static maximum load. The load function is a non-reversed 3 Hz sinusodial wave with the load level as its peak value. The fatigue test was carried out until failure occurred or test cycles reached one million. the maximum static load, slip at failure and stiffness of N50 were always larger than those of N38 under the same side member and orientation. The influence of thickness and orientation of the side member in the N38 joints showed no consistent results. However, the stiffinesses and the loads at 2mm and.381 mm slip of N50 nail joints showed significant larger values of the parallel case than those of the perpendicular case. The cycles to failure for the joint of N38 at 70 % load level for E12, A12, E9 and A9 are 69804, 89465, 54612 and 56271, respectively. While at load level of 60 %, the cycles to failure are 187437, 127089, 1 million and 68451. The case of E9 jointed by N38 nail has 2 out of 10 failed before 1 million cycles indicating that the fatigue limit might be under 60 % load level. The average static maximum load of not-failed joints after 1 million cycles remain almost the same. The breaking points measured from the nail top are always longer than the width of side member indicating that the loading condition of nail under lateral withdrawal could not be assumed to be a cantilever beam. |