- 模糊邏輯控制器的動態圖式演譯法
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題 名 | 模糊邏輯控制器的動態圖式演譯法=Fuzzy Logic Controller via GUI |
作 者 | 謝勝治; 蔡繁仁; 王冠智; | 書刊名 | 高雄科學技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 29 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁61-80 |
分類號 | 448.942 |
關鍵詞 | 模糊邏輯控制器; 模糊推論; 解模糊化; Fuzzy logic controller; Fuzzy inference; Deffuzier; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要是以C++語言來完成模糊邏輯控制器(FLC)的動態圖式演譯法。 首先以滑鼠繪製成兩組輸入及一組輸出的隸屬函數,每組函數可包含5個語言項,且每個隸屬函數最多能以50個點來構造,因此可繪製三角形,梯形以外的隸屬圖。 其次較為特殊的是規則庫(Rule Base)均以滑鼠點選對應的輸入、輸出隸屬函數來完成,同時可產生規則表,取代傳統的條件語句,操作極為方便。 最後輸入任一值,透過重心法,模糊決策求出解模糊化值並顯示在畫面上。 整個模糊推論過程均一步步的在動態畫面上呈現,極具效果,況且若對以上執行的結果不滿意的話均可隨時修改及更正,很是方便,同時輸入值可透過RS-232C由單晶片微型電腦傳送給本系統,經上述推論完成後再以RS-232C傳回給微控制器做為控制依據,或以上述的方法來完成簡易的賦值表以為單晶片微控制器的FLC用,同時把微控制器變成一模糊控制器,不必外加PC,因此極具實用價值。 |
英文摘要 | This paper implements the fuzzy logic controller via C++ programming language and displays through GUI(Graphical User Interface). Initially, a member-ship function, consisting of two inputs and one output, is determined; each imput/output variable can be further divided into five linguistic terms. In addition to the formal triangular and trapezoidal shapes, some other's are also permitted; at most fifty grades can be designated to approximate any shape of membership function. Specifically, the input and output membership functions can be easily established by using the mouse, and the corresponding look-up table is generated accordingly. The convetional IF-THEN rule scheme has been replaced by the preceding interactive one. At the final stage, the centroid of area(COA) method is used to fulfill the defuzzification task. Each intermediate stage of fuzzy inference process is displayed on a GUI enviromnent. Modifications to these design parameters(e.g., membership function) can be performed through GUI. The inputs can be alternatively collected via microprocessor (or microcontroller) from RS-232C port. The output signal is directly send to the microcontroller after finishing the fuzzy inference job. Terefore, a simplified version of look-up table can be constructed by the preceding technique. Ultimately, a microcontroller just plays a role of fuzzy controller without any use of PC, and this microcntroller becomes an independent fuzzy logic controller. The proposed scenario has lots of potentials in industrial applications. |