- 讀僧叡〈小品經序〉
- The Problem of the Authorship of the Mahaprajnaparamitopadesa: A Re-examination
- 智顗的「三諦」思想及其所依經論
- 論《般若經》的「假名」概念--以《大般若波羅蜜多經.第四會》〈妙行品〉與《第二會》〈善現品〉的對比作為考察的基礎
- 「大智度論」略譯初探
- 鳩摩羅什門下由「空」到「有」的轉變--以僧叡為代表
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- 從《小品般若》到《法華經》的思想轉變--以「佛命聲聞說大乘」及「佛塔與經卷供養」為中心
- 從鳩摩羅什的譯語看菩薩的思想與特質
- 梁武帝注解《大品般若經》與「佛教國家」的建立
題 名 | 讀僧叡〈小品經序〉=Treading a New Course: Coalescence of the Saddharmapundarika and the Prajnaparamita in Sengrui's "Preface to the Small Version of Prajnaparamita" |
作 者 | 周伯戡; | 書刊名 | 臺大歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 23 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁157-198 |
分類號 | 221.41 |
關鍵詞 | 僧叡; 鳩摩羅什; 般若; 法華; 大品; 小品; 大智度論; 格義; 一切有部; 中觀佛教; Saddharmapundarika; Prajnaparamita; Kumarajiva; Sengrui; Madhyamika; Mahaprajnaparamitodesa; Concept-matching; Sarvastivada; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 此論文藉著解讀迄今尚未充分瞭解的僧叡《小品經序》,來瞭解中國佛教史上一個關鍵性的發展--在中觀佛教的架構裡,《般若》和《法華》的結合。在印度的中觀佛教思想裡,《法華》毫無地位,但此經在中國佛教裡被視為經王。論文說明這是受到鳩摩羅什佛教思想的影響,而由僧叡註錄到《小品經序》中。羅什所以結合《般若》和《法華》,一方面是矯正先前的格義佛教,另一方面是對抗一切有部的佛教思想。 |
英文摘要 | By deciphering Sengrui's "Preface to the Small Version of PrajñāParamitā," this paper presents a departure point where the Buddhist development in China differed from its counterpart in India. In the beginning of the fifth century, Chinese Buddhism was dominated by two modes of interpretation of the Prajñāparamitā: native concept-matching(geyi) and Indian Sarvāstivadā. Kumārajīva diverted the interpretation to the Madhyāmika philosophical discourse by introducing four MadhyāMika śāstras and retranslating many Mahāyāna sūtras (including Saddharmapundarīka and two versions of Prajñāparamitā). To antagonize concept-matching and Sarvāsitvādin Buddhist thoughts, while avoiding the nihilist aftermath of Madhyāmika, Kumārajīva brought up the doctrine of ekayāna and argued that it underlay in both the Prajñāparamitā and the Saddharmapundarīka. With the doctrine of ekayāna, Kumārajīva demonstrated the Buddha's wisdom and compassion as a unity represented in the Prajñāparamitā and the Saddharmapundarīka asserted that the coalescence of these two scriptures was the full unfolding of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Such an argument, noted in Sengrui's Preface, was never seen in Indian Madhyāmika Buddhism, but it since became the foundation of the subsequent Buddhist development in China. |