- 「大智度論」略譯初探
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- Something for Nothing: Cognitive Metaphors for Emptiness in the Upadeśa (Dàzhìdù lùn)
題 名 | 「大智度論」略譯初探=A Preliminary Study of the Abbreviated Translation of the Da zhidu lun |
作 者 | 周伯戡; | 書刊名 | 中華佛學學報 |
卷 期 | 13(上) 民89.05 |
頁 次 | 頁155-165 |
分類號 | 222.21 |
關鍵詞 | 大智度論; 鳩摩羅什; 文本; 般若經; Da zhidu lun; Kumarajiva; Literary content; Prajna-paramita Sutra; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 此文藉著比較《大品》和《放光》、《光讚》的翻譯,並對照《大智度 論》的解釋,推測中文《大智度論》文本形成的情形,它是當時討論般若思想的 文證。因此作者認為《大智度論》出現的意義不是是否它為龍樹所作,而是它在 中國佛教發展上的地位,它矯正先前般若諸說的錯誤,奠定大乘佛教在中國發展 的基礎。 |
英文摘要 | This paper compares the translations of Mah? Praj~n?-p?ramit? Suutra, Illuminating Praj~n?-p?ramit? Suutra and Light Ode Praj~n?-p?ramit? Suutra with that of Da zhidu lun and from that deduces the environment in which Da zhidu lun was formed. It was the documentation of the evidence used while discussing praj~n? wisdom during that time period. This writer believes that what is meaningful about Da zhidu lun is not whether or not it was written by N?g?rjuna but rather the place it had in the development of Chinese Buddhism. It corrects many of the misconceptions about prajb? wisdom and therefore became the solid foundation on which Mah?y?na Buddhism developed in China. |