題 名 | 我國托育機構的演進及未來發展途徑=The Development and Literature Trend of Children's Caring Institutions |
作 者 | 王靜珠; | 書刊名 | 幼兒教育年刊 |
卷 期 | 11 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁167-189 |
分類號 | 523.27 |
關鍵詞 | 托育機構; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 社會福利政策的目的,不僅使一般人民的生活獲得適要的照顧,同時也藉著社會 福利的實施,減低了貧富之間的差五距,增進全民的福祉。兒童福利為社會福利的重要一環 ,托育機構 -- 托兒所又是兒童福利的重要業務機構,為了培養健全幼兒,必須加強托育機 構的教保服務。 本文探討內容如下: 一、前言二、我國托育機構的沿革三、我國托育機構 -- 托兒所現況四、我國托育機構未來發展途徑「三歲定終生」, 「五歲以前生活經驗塑造 人格雛型」。犯罪心理學家研究犯罪行為也多追溯其幼年生活。這些裡,都是強調幼兒期保 育的重要。托育機構因係社會變遷過程中因應的措施,迫切期盼各類型托育機構能充分發揮 幼兒身心健康成長的保育功能。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of social policy are nothing more than taking care of those people in the society and reducing the difference between the rich and the poor. Children's welfare is one of the important issues of the social policy. Consequently, children's caring institutions become an important topic. As a result, the quality and the quantity of children's institutions must be attained through some great efforts. This study is to discuss some issues of current status and the development of children's in stitutions in Taiwan. There are five sections in the study. 1. The backgroundd 2. The development 3. The content 4. The current status 5. The future trend According to many psychological theories, the development ofpersonality has its root in the childhood. Therefore, how tosecure the quality and the quantity of children's institution inorder to provide a healthy environment to all children in Taiwanwill be of great importance. |