題 名 | 大專夜間部初學羽球女生基本運動能力與發球準確度之研究=A Study of the Relationship between Female Beginners' Basic Sport Abilities and Accuracy of Badminton Service in College Night School |
作 者 | 林子恩; | 書刊名 | 美和專校學報 |
卷 期 | 17 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁53-74 |
分類號 | 528.953 |
關鍵詞 | 羽球; 女生; 基本運動能力; 發球準確度; 初學者; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討大專夜間部初學羽球女生的基本運動能力與發球準確度之相關或 差異情形。採隨機抽取86學年度美和護理管理專科學校二專夜間部一、二年級初學羽球女生 ,計88人為研究對象,在羽球課程教學前設計實施慣用手握力等五項基本運動能力測驗,並 於六週教學課程結束後,進行發長球、正手拍發短球以及反手拍發短球等各10球的發球技能 測驗,以累計不同發球方式得分與全部發球得分總和,界定為發球準確性的百分比值(發球 準確度)。根據以上研究範圍,經過資料整理、統計分析與討論後,主要獲致下列具體研究 結果,可提供未來教學或持續研究上的參考。 一、經與85學年度臺灣地區21歲女生體能常模等級表比較,本篇研究對象的坐姿體前彎屬於 普通等級;立定跳遠則屬不好等級。同時調查得知,每週運動頻率欠佳,其中幾乎不運 動者約佔55%。 二、獲悉初學羽球女生在發球準確度的比較上,以採反手拍發短球方式之平均值較佳,而採 正手拍發短球方式者較差,並得知全體研究對象在總計30球發球測驗的準確度為37.66% 。 三、握力成績分別與羽球擲遠、發長球總得分、發短球(正、反拍)總得分間具有顯著正相 關(P<.01);立定跳遠亦與三種不同發球得分間存有顯著正相關。 四、在三種不同基本運動能力組別間,僅在反手發短球項目得分上具有顯著差異,其中以「 優秀運動能力組」顯著優於「運動能力較差組」(P<.05)。 五、經過六週羽球教學課程活動後,全體研究對象以反手拍發短球的準確度顯著優於正手拍 發短球方式(P<.01)。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to analysis the relationship between female beginner's basic sport abilities and accuracy of Badminton service in college night school. Random sampling 88 female students in Mei-Ho college night school as subjects. First, practice five basic sport abilities test before they take Badminton curriculum. After six weeks, test three kinds of service skill. The results were found as followings; 1.Comparing with the Norms of female's physical fitness in Taiwan area, the flexed leg situps scores belongs to general level, and the standing long jump scores belongs to inferior level. 2.Backhand short ball service of accuracy was better than forehand style significant. And the acuracy is 37.66%. 3.The accruacy of Backhand short ball service had different significant in three group. The group with excellent sport abilities was superior to the group with poor sport abilities significant (P<.05). 4.After six week's curriculum, the accuracy of backhand short ball service was better than that of forehand service significant (P<.01). |