題 名 | 不同協調型式與高爾夫技能表現相關之研究=A Study of Golf Skills on Coordination |
作 者 | 游士正; | 書刊名 | 科技學刊 |
卷 期 | 7:2 1998.04[民87.04] |
頁 次 | 頁207-221 |
分類號 | 993.5 |
關鍵詞 | 協調性; 高爾夫; 基本運動能力; 手部靈敏性; 手指靈敏性; Coordination; Golf; Motor abilities; Manual dexterity; Finger dexterity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究分為二部份,研究一係以國立雲林科技大學 84 學年度選修高爾夫課程之 三年級學生共 82 人(男 60 人,女 22 人)為對象,探討基本運動能力與高爾夫技能表現 之相關,並找出其中之關鍵性因素。研究二係以原校 85 學年度之學生共 85 人(男 59 人 ,女 26 人)為對象,進一步探討不同協調型式對高爾夫技能表現之相關。研究結果如下: 1. 影響男生高爾夫技能表現的基本運動能力有:手指靈敏性、反覆側跳、握力三項。2. 影 響女生高爾夫技能表現的基本運動能力有: 手指靈敏性、一百公尺跑、俯臥推撐三項。 3. 大多數傳統的基本運動能力測驗與高爾夫技能表現之相關不高。 4. 不同用力型式的協調性 與高爾夫單項技術是相對應的,同屬用力型的全身協調性測驗,與近打( approach )技術 之相關最高。 而手部靈巧性測驗則對應於劈起球( pitching )技術。5. 以男生而言,全 身協調性與果嶺成績達顯著之相關。全身協調性與綜合技能表現達顯著之相關。但是技能表 現與果嶺成績不達顯著之相關。 由結論可知協調性是高爾夫技能表現中相當重要的因素之一。 而從結論 5 的結果至少說明 ,在練習場的各項技能表現與果嶺的實際表現是不相關的,因為果嶺的情境不像練習場一般 的單純,它是多變化的。故建議從事高爾夫教學時,宜多到球場實習,體驗實際球道的各項 情境。 |
英文摘要 | The study included two experiments, the purpose of study1 was to examine the relationship between fundamental motor abilities and golf skills performance. Study2 was to ensure the relationship different pattern of coordination and golf skills performance. Subjects in study1 were 82 junior students of National Yunlin Institute of Technology in 1995, and 85 junior students were selected in the study2 in 1996. The results indicated that: (1) For the males, the main factors of fundamental motor abilities related to the golf skills performance were eye-hand cordination (finger dexterity)、side step test、grip strength. (2)For the females, the main factors of fundamental motor abilities related to the golf skills performance were eye-hand coordination (finger dexterity)、100m dash、push up. (3)The traditional test of fudimantal motor abilities was not suitable for predicting the golf skills performance. (4) The pattern of coordination was paired up with the strength of golf swing, for example: gross body coordination was paired up with the approach shot, the manual dexterity was paired up with the pitching shot. (5) For the males, gross body coordination was found to be significant correlated with golf course and golf skill performance. But the golf course was uncorrelated with the golf skill performance. (6) To predicting the performance on the golf course, the coordination test was better than the golf skill test. The suggestion for the latter study was to test the other factors of coordination and the critical perceptions. |