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題 名 | 蛋黃卵磷脂對於高血脂傾向大白鼠血脂質及肝脂質之影響研究=The Effect of Yolk Lecithin on Plasma and Liver Lipids of Hyperlipidemic Rats |
作 者 | 劉麗雲; 黃伯超; 李敏雄; | 書刊名 | 中國農業化學會誌 |
卷 期 | 37:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁306-318 |
分類號 | 411.38 |
關鍵詞 | 蛋黃卵磷脂; 血脂質; 肝脂質; 促動脈硬化指標; Yolk lecithin; Plasma lipid; Liver lipid; Atherogenic index; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解蛋黃卵磷脂(EPL)對於高血脂傾向大白鼠之血脂及肝脂的影響,Wistar雄性大白鼠先餵以含0.5%膽固醇飼料6週使其血脂及肝脂升高。再改餵不含膽固醇飼料(group 2)或含5%蛋黃卵磷脂(含90%以上之磷脂質,0.3%以下之膽固醇)之飼料(group 4)。group 1為連續12週均餵食不含膽固醇飼料之基礎組,group 3為連續供給含0.5%膽固醇飼料之對照組。餵養實驗均自由給食。結果發現,具高血脂傾向老鼠如供給蛋黃卵磷脂者可使雄鼠血漿總膽固醇、LDL膽固醇及促動脈硬化指標等皆顯著的比第二、三組低,如與全程攝取不含膽固醇飼料之對照組比較則無顯著差異,肝臟脂質方面,雖未使膽固醇下降,但可使三酸甘油酯顯著比攝食含0.5%膽固醇組低,VLDL粒子顯示第六週後更換攝取含5%卵磷脂之膳食組顯著較大,使較易與apo B/E受體結合。 |
英文摘要 | To study if yolk lecithin ingestion can ameliorate the hypercholesterolemic condition, Wistar rats were supplemented with 0.5% cholesterol for 6 weeks to induce hyperlipidemia prior to the following experiment. The hyperlipidemic rats were divided into three groups: the first group was fed a basal diet, the second group was continued on the 0.5% cholesterol diet, the third group a 5% EPL (egg phospholipid) diet. A group of rats fed the basal diet both prior and through the experiment served as the control. After feeding ad libitum for a total of 12 weeks, rats were fasted overnight and sacrificed by decapitation. Plasma and liver specimens were analyzed for lipid contents. Among the three groups of hyperlipidemic rats, plasma total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and atherogenic index of the the 5% EPL group were significantly lower than that of the remaining two groups. In addition, the liver triacylglycerol concentration of rats fed the 5% cholesterol diets. (p<0.05). VLDL particle sizes, estimated by the ratio of surface lipid (phospholipid and free cholesterol) to core lipid (triglyceride and cholesterol ester) of rats fed the 5% EPL diet was significantly larger than that of rats fed the 0.5% cholesterol diet. The results showed that inclusion of 5% EPL in the diet effectively ameliorated the hypercholesterolemic condition of cholesterol fed rats probably through an enlargement of the VLDL particle size which may enhance the binding of VLDL to the apo B/E receptor. |