題 名 | 市售合板剪斷特性之評估=Evaluation on the Shearing Properties of Commercial Plywood |
作 者 | 葉民權; 陳宥呂; 何季蓉; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 18:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁203-213 |
分類號 | 474.5 |
關鍵詞 | 合板; 板厚剪斷強度; 剪斷係數; 水平剪斷強度; Plywood; Shear through-the-thickness; Shear modulus; Rolling shear; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要是探討國產及進口合板在工程應用及結構分析中有關之木質板剪斷性 質。合板之板厚度方向剪斷強度、非破壞性剪斷係數及水平剪斷強度試驗之進行係參考 ASTM 方法及有關簡化程序進行,分析 2.7mm,6.4mm,8.7mm,11.9mm 及 14.8mm 等不同厚 度合板之差異,並探討合板等級及種類的影響。結果顯示國產普通合板中 14.8mm 厚合板之 最大板厚剪斷強度為最優,其值為 81.41gf/cm �插A 較 8.7mm 厚合板高 38 %,而三種國 產不同厚度之 A 級與 B 級合板之間,並不因面板品質與中板的缺點而造成剪斷強度之降低 。 印尼進口之柳桉合板則以 2.7mm 厚度合板為最優,較其他四種較厚的普通合板高 27 % 。 在合板之剛性係數中,國產合板則較印尼柳桉合板為優,在不同厚度方面又以 2.7mm 厚 度柳桉合板為最低。國產 A 級合板之剛性係數則較 B 級為優。以非破壞性試驗所測定之合 板剪斷係數中, 國產及印尼柳桉 2.7mm 厚度合板較優,分別為其他厚度合板之 3.33 倍及 5.15 倍。 15mm 厚普通合板與防水合板的剪斷係數則無明顯差異。國產 A 級合板之水平剪 斷強度為 72kgf/cm �插A較柳桉合板高 20 %,在等級間則無明顯差異,在比例限界時之合 板水平剪斷應力約為最大破壞強度的 65 %。合板依 CNS 8060-02032 測定之膠合剪力平均 為 10.4kgf/cm �插A僅為大試材測得平均水平剪斷強度 44 %。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to investigate the shear characteristics of panels related to the engineering application and structural analysis procedure for the domestic and imported plywood. The evaluation on the properties of shear throuht-the-thickness, shear modulus, and rolling shear of plywood is performed according to ASTM testing procedures and simplified approaches. The results showed that the domestic 14.8 mm thick plywood has the highest values of shear through-the thickness, 81.4 kgf/cm ��, which is 38% higher than that of 8.7 mm thick plywood. And there is no difference in shear strength between plywood specimens with different grades. The shear through-the-thickness of imported 2.7 mm thick lauan plywood is 27% higher than those of thicker plywood specimens. The modulus of rigidity of domestic plywood specimens is superior to those of imported lauan plywoods and the lowest value can be found from 2.7 mm thick lauan plywood specimens among different thickness of panels. The shear modulus evaluated based on the nondestructive tests for domestic and imported lauan 2.7 mm thick plywood specimens are 3.33 and 5.15 times higher than those thicker plywoods, respectively. Furthermore, the difference in shear modulus was not found between common plywood and water resistant plywood. The average rolling shear of domestic plywood specimens with grade A is 27 kgf/cm ��, which is 20% higher than that of lauan plywood. The rolling shear stress plywood specimens evaluated at proportional limit is about 65% of the maximum rolling shear strength. The shear strength of small plywood specimens evaluated based on CNS 8060-02032 method is 10.4 kgf/cm ��, which is only about 44% of rolling shear. |