題 名 | 臺北市家具消費者購買行為之研究=Purchasing Behavior of Furniture Consumers in Taipei City |
作 者 | 鍾達雄; 董曉梅; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 13:2=224 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁165-180 |
分類號 | 487.31 |
關鍵詞 | 問卷法; 產品屬性; 家具店屬性; Questionnaire; Attributes of furniture; Attributes of furniture stores; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以台北市已婚婦女為對象,採用問卷法瞭解受訪者最近一次購買家具時之 行為以及對家具產品及家具店屬性之認知。所得資料經分析後,得到結果摘要如下: 1. 家具產品屬性中,受訪者認為重要性依次為:安全、耐用程度及功能好壞。而滿意度中 則以安全、商品顏色、商品樣式居前3位。 2. 家具店屬性中,受訪者認為重要性依次是:商品品質、有無售後服務(修理、退貨)及 店員服務態度。在滿意度部分則由商品品質、商品種類與型式以及商店信譽佔前3位。 3. 12個家具產品屬性中,共選取出3個因素,其累積解釋變異量達59.9%,分別為因素1「 產品品質與功能」,因素2「產品外觀」,因素3「產品品牌」。 4. 18個家具店屬性中,共選取出5個因素,其累積解釋變異量達64.1%,分別為因素1「產 品與服務」,因素2「技術與行銷」,因素3「購物便利」,因素4「折扣與信用消費」,及因 素5「消費經驗」。 |
英文摘要 | We investigated the purchasing behavior of married women in Taipei and their cognition of furniture & furniture stores by using questionnaire. The mam results form this staly are as followed: 1.The three most important attributes of furniture were safety, durability and function. The three most satisfying attributes were safety, color of products and design of products. 2. The three most important attributes of furniture stores were quality of products, after sales service and service attitude provided by furniture stores. The three most satisfying attributes were quality of products, type and style of products and reputation of stores. 3. There were three factors selected from 12 attributes of furniture. The accumulated percent of variance 59.88%. Factor 1 was quality & function of products, factor 2 was appearance of products, and factor 3 was brand. 4. There were five factors selected from 18 attributes of furniture stores. The accumulated percent of variance 64.14%. Factor 1 was products & service, factor 2 was technique and marketing, factor 3 was convenience, factor 4 was discount & credit purchase, and factor 5 was experience. |