- 臺中市Pub進口啤酒消費行為之研究
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題 名 | 臺中市Pub進口啤酒消費行為之研究=A Study on the Consumer Behavior of Imported Beer at Pub in the Taichung City |
作 者 | 王慶富; 吳秉忠; | 書刊名 | 東海學報 |
卷 期 | 40:6(農學院) 民88.10 |
頁 次 | 頁29-40 |
分類號 | 463.821 |
關鍵詞 | 進口啤酒; 消費者行為; 產品屬性; 情境; 生活型態; Imported beer; Pub consumer behavior; Product attributes; Situation; Living pattern; Pub; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以臺中市五家pub中之消費者為研究對象,對於其進口啤酒消費行為進行分析 ,其結果可作為Pub業者與進口啤酒廠商擬行銷策略時之參考。 本研究以問卷調查方式進行,總計發放問卷250份,回收250份,有效問卷210份(有效 率84%),採用卡方檢定、因素分析、單因子變異數分析及多變量變異數分析等方法進行分 析,獲得下列主要結論: 一、調查並分析pub內進口啤酒之消費行為,其主要結果為重度飲用群(五罐以上╱星期) 所佔比例(41.9%)最高;啤酒飲用量,以每次1罐(32.9%)到2-3罐(31.4%)之消費 群最多;消費頻率,以「幾乎每天去」的消費群所佔比例(40%)最高;及消費者到pub 消費的動機,受樂團及音樂之影響最大。 二、調查並分析pub內消費群對進口啤酒屬性之重視程度,其結果顯示,高度及中度程度的 飲用群,最重視的產品屬性為「味道順口」及「價格高低」,較不重視「包裝美觀」及 「品牌知名」之產品屬性,輕度飲用群較不重視「價格高低」。 三、pub消費群之生活型態,經問卷調查及統計分析,歸納出六項,分別命名為「健康且積 極的生活」、「自主性的人文追求」、「廣告訊息之依賴」、「社會化之追求傾向」、 「品牌忠試」、及「不安於現有環境狀態」。其結果顯示,男性消費群比女性更同意以 上六項生活型態。 四、pub內年輕消費群(19∼20歲)比年長者(23∼30歲),具有較高的品牌忠誠度,21∼ 22歲消費群比年長者(23∼30歲)更熱衷於追求自主性文化及社會化生活。收入較高( 多於十萬╱月)之消費群比其他收入者(少於十萬╱月),更重視健康且積極的生活, 較依賴廣告訊息,並追求社會化之生活方式,但對品牌忠誠度卻比較低。 |
英文摘要 | This study was conducted on consumers at 5 pubs in the Taichung City to analyze their consumer behaviors on imported beer. The results was expected to supply to the pub industries and beer trade companies for planning the marketing strategy. The data obtained from a market survey based on designed questionnaire for 250 consumers at 5 pubs in the Taichung City in 1997. All copies of which are returned, and 210 copies(84%) are found to be effective. The statistical methods of scheffe test, factor analysis and ANOVA were used to analyzing. The major findings are as follows: 1.The major results of the consumer behavior of imported beer at pub are shown as follows: The highest ratio of Consumers (41.9%) is the "heavy drinker" who drink over 5 cans of beer per week, consuners who drink only one can to 2-3 cans per time are shown to be the majority of the Consumer Group (64.3%). Forty percentage of consumers was shown to be the one who went to pub everday. Music and band were analyzed to be two very improtant factors to attract consumers to go to pub. 2.The results of the importance of imported beer attributes to consumers indicates the heavy users at pub will be more concerned on the product attributes: "taste" and "price" than these attributes: "elegant outer packaging" and "brand name" in making a choice of purchasing imported beer. However, price is not concerned by light users. 3.The living pattern of the consumer for drinking imported beer at pub were recognized and designated as (1)healty and postive living, (2)enterprisingly pursuing humanism, (3)dependence on advertising, (4)trend of being socialized, (5)brand loyalty, and (6)uneasily in present environment. The male consumers were shown to be more agreeable on these six patterns of living than that of female. 4.The younger consumers (19∼22years old) was shown to be more agreeable on "brand loyalty", "enterprisingly pursuing humanism" and "trend of being socialized" than that the older group (23∼30 years old). The higher income consumer (more than NT$100x10�� /month) was shown to be more concerned on "healthy and positive living", "dependence on advertising" and "trend of being socialized" than that of the other lower incomes group (less than NT$100x10�� /mounth). The higher income group is not loyalty to brand names of imported beer. |