題 名 | 光解臭氧溶液產生單態氧的磷光量子產率=The Phosphorescence Quantum Yield of Singlet Oxygen from Photolysis of Ozone in the Solution |
作 者 | 陳明莉; 黃燕玲; 林彥佑; | 書刊名 | 化學 |
卷 期 | 57:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁199-204 |
分類號 | 348.3 |
關鍵詞 | 臭氧; 光解; 單態氧; 磷光量子產率; 生命期; Ozone; Photodissociation; Singlet oxygen; Phosphorescence; Quantum yield; Lifetime; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臭氧在溶液中以波長 266 奈米( nm )及 308 奈米雷射光光解( photolysis ), 產生單態( singlet, a �薄窗慼^氧分子。 偵測單態氧分子在臭氧溶液放射的磷光( phosphorescence ),獲得它的磷光時間解析( time-resolved )及波長解析光譜。 以單 態氧分子在光敏化( photosensitizing ) TPP ( tetraphenylporphine )苯溶液的磷光 強度為標準, 量測得單態氧分子在臭氧的氯仿( chloroform, CHCl �陛^, 二氯甲烷( dichloromethane, CH �� Cl �砥^及乙�禲] acetonitrile, CH �� CN )溶液中,磷光量子 產率( phosphorescence quantum yields )分別為:3.1 × 10 □,2.1 × 10 □及 0.9 × 10 □。 單態氧分子在上述三溶液中的生命期( lifetimes )分別為 186 微秒(μ s ),85 微秒及 46 微秒。臭氧對單態氧分子的淬火( quenching )速率常數上限值為 9.2 × 10 □ s □ M □。 |
英文摘要 | Oxygen molecules in the a �薄窗� state are generated from photodissociation of ozone at the Hartley band in the Solutions. The time-resolved and wavelength-resolved phosphorescence spectra of singlet oxygen are obtained. the phosphorescence quantum yields of singlet oxygen from photodissociation of ozone in chloroform, dichloromethane and acetonitrile solutions are measured, their values are 3.1×10□, 2.1×10□ and 0.9×10□ respectively. The lifetimes of singlet oxygen in the ozone solutions remarked above are 186 μs, 85 μs and 46 μs respectively. The upper limiting value of quenching rate constant of singlet oxygen by ozone is 9.2×10□ s□ M□. |