題 名 | 木本樹種淨化臭氧與二氧化氮能力之評估(3)=Evaluation of Tree Species for Absorption and Tolerance to Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide (Ⅲ) |
作 者 | 宋烱輝; 王亞男; 孫岩章; 賀立行; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 12:4=222 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁269-288 |
分類號 | 373.13 |
關鍵詞 | 臭氧; 二氧化氮; 沈降速率; 抗耐性; Ozone; Nitrogen dioxide; Deposition velocities; Tolerance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以 19 個樹種對二氧化氮及臭氧進行吸收及耐性試驗,獲得各樹種之沈降 速率、最低致病濃度及病徵等資料。提供日後環保公園及街道樹淨化臭氧及二氧化氮空氣污 染及做為指標樹種的參考。 在苗木葉片對臭氧及二氧化氮之沈降速率方面,不論在樹種間,臭氧及二氧化氮濃度間及樹 種與臭氧及二氧化氮濃度的交感效應均呈顯著差異。即可經由在不同污染濃度下,選擇沈降 速率高的樹種,達到綠化及淨化臭氧及二氧化氮空氣污染之目的。對 200ppb 臭氧之沈降速 率,以桃花心木、樟樹、木芙蓉較高; 對 400 ppb 臭氧的沈降速率以臺灣海桐、大花紫薇 、喜樹為高;對 400 ppb 二氧化氮之沈降速率,以黃連木、山菜豆較高;對 800 ppb 二氧 化氮的沈降速率以大花紫薇、苦棟為高,均為理想環保公園樹種。 在各樹種之耐性方面, 二氧化氮在 800 ppb 時,有楓香、茄苳、苦棟及山菜豆出現病徵; 臭氧則有紅榨槭、黃連木、無患子、木芙蓉及山菜豆在 400 ppb 時出現病徵, 屬較敏感之 植物。 另外,光臘樹、黑板樹、喜樹及臺灣海桐在 600 ppb 時出現病徵。樟樹在 800 ppb 時亦出現病徵。 在 100 ppb 臭氧及二氧化氮 6 小時薰氣後,各供試樹種並無明顯病徵出現。 |
英文摘要 | Nineteen tree species were tested for O3 and NO�畝bsorption and tolerance. The rate of deposition and the lowest concentration of these gases causing damage were measured, and the characteristics of symptoms were recorded. Using this information, the best tree species able to tolerate and remove these important air pollutants can be selected for planting along streets and to tolerate and remove these important air pollutants can be selected for planting along streets and in urban parks. Ozone and NO�疹oading rates were significantly different between species, concentrations (ozone and NO��) and species- concentrations (ozone and NO��) interactions. The Swietenia mahagon, Cinnamomum camphora and hibiscus mutabilis were the highest loading rates of 200 ppb O��. However, the Pittosporum pentandrum, Lagerstroemia speciosa and Camptotheca acuminata exhibited the highest loading rates of O�軒t 400 ppb. On the other hand, nitrogen dioxide loading rates were significantly different between species, nitrogen dioxide concentrations and nitrogen dioxide-tree species interactions. The Pistacia chinensis and Radermachera sinica were the highest loading rates of NO�畝t 400 ppb. The L. speciosa and Melia azedarach exhibited the highest loading NO�盍ates at 800 ppb. These species would be suitable in urban parks. In tolerance tests, Acer rubescens, P. Chinensis, Sapindus mukorossi and Radermachera sinica were most sensitive to O�軒nd suffered injury concentration at 400 ppb O��, The most tolerant species were Fraxinus floribunda, Alstonia scholaris, C. Acuminata and Pittosporum pentandrum which were not exhibited injury until subjected to 600 ppb O��, however Cinnamomum camphora which was damaged only by 800 ppb O��. On the other hand, only 4 tree species, such as Liquidambar formosana, Bischoffia javanica, M. Azedarach and Radermachera sinica were injured and treated with 800 ppb NO��. By fumigation with 100 ppb of O�軒nd NO�病or 6 hours, all tested species did not show significant symptoms was occurred. |