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題 名 | The Purloined Shakespeare and Samuel Johnson's Scriptural Operation=被偷竊的「莎士比亞」與姜生的「書寫」策略 |
作 者 | 張惠鍞; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學文史哲學報 |
卷 期 | 50 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁139-198 |
分類號 | 873.433 |
關鍵詞 | 莎士比亞文本; 姜生; 國語化; 經典製作; 中產階級主體; 十八世紀; The Enlightenment; Samuel Johnson; Cultural semiosis; Shakespeare project; Sign economy; Bourgeois ideology; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文內容包括兩個重點。首先,根據符號運作邏輯,討論「莎士比亞文 本」的符號性;其次,認為姜生編修莎士比亞劇集是「文本製作」的實例,討 論該「文本製作」工程的歷史及策略性。本文立論之一,認為「莎士比亞文 本」並非固定的「硬體」架構,而是透過歷史、意識形態、或理論設定等「軟 體」,製作的「書寫」成果。立論之二:啟蒙時期中產階級的政治及文化本 體,乃透過「文字」的「書寫」運作,架構成形。推廣「識字」和善於使用 「文字」的文化菁英,扮演主導「書寫」的角色。「莎士比亞文本製作」乃啟 蒙時期的許多書寫計劃之一。「莎士比亞文本製作」,是十八世紀諸多「文 本」和「作者」製作工程之一;與英國十八世紀之識字「普及化」和「國語 化」,互為因果。「普及化」和「國語化」的趨勢,標舉「本土」作家和作 品,與古典典籍相抗衡;塑造「本土經典」助長「中產階級」本體結構之形 成。在此一歷史文化空間,「莎士比亞」逐漸成為「文化制度」;因為其「制 度」的價位,「莎士比亞」成為中產階級的「文化資產」;編修及註解「莎士 比亞」,具有文化鑑定的作用;編修及註解者因之累積「文化資產」,更經由 「莎士比亞」工程,介入和影響「國語化」、「本土經典製作」,和塑造「中 產階級主體」的文化「書寫」工程。本文將姜生編修「莎士比亞」的工作,插 入如是文化場域,資以說明其歷史和文學定位。 |
英文摘要 | The present paper advances two arguments. First, textual production of Shakespeare is a semiosic activity; second, Johnson's Shakespeare project is a form of manipulated semiosis. The concept of semiosis conceives of signifying practices as acts of sign production involving either a re -functioning of signs in specific circumstantial contexts, a restructuring of given signs for the articulation of given semantic content, or both. In light of the concept of semiosis, critical textual production of Shakespeare proceeds in a process of strategic contextualization and formal transformation of "the Shakespeare text." The managed semiosic play exemplified by critical re-readings of Shakespeare postpones the arrival of the text at a settled semantic closure. Shakespeare is in this sense a "Purloined Letter." Johnson's textual production attempts to read the Purloined Letter, that is, the Purloined Shakespeare, in terms of the uniform subject privileged by the Enlightenment universalist discourse: his textual production privileges a sign economy, within the domain of which the Letter becomes a legible text on "general nature" and "common humanity." Participating in the historical project of such managed sign economy, Johnson's Shakespeare project reproduces the sign economy by resorting to the rhetoric of the Maze and the Minotaur. The rhetoric functions firstly as a boundary-making strategy and secondly as an instrument of the emerging bourgeois ideology, underlying the Enlightenment regulatory projects in general, including Johson's Shakespeare project. |