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題 名 | The Images of Women in Eighteenth-Century British Novels=十八世紀英國小說中女性角色與形象之探討 |
作 者 | 陳淑華; | 書刊名 | 美和技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 18 2000.08[民89.08] |
頁 次 | 頁147-161 |
分類號 | 841.3、841.3 |
關鍵詞 | 十八世紀英國小說; 中產階級; 個人主義; 女性形象; 父權社會; 性別研究; 女性作家; 女性教育; Eighteenth-century British fiction; Images of women; Patriarchal system; Gender ideology; Female novelists; Feminine virtue; Learned women; Education of women; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 英國的小說有極輝煌的成就。十八世紀正是此文體澎渤興起,而逐漸取代詩歌與傳奇成為文學的主流。學者多認為十八世紀英國小說是重從丹尼爾.狄福(Daniel Defoe, 1661-1731)的作品起,步入成熟期。其後有理查遜(Samuel Richardson, 1689-1761),亨利.費爾丁(Henry Fielding, 1707-1754),莎拉.費爾丁(SarahFielding, 1710-1768),和法蘭西絲.博妮(Frances Burney, 1752-1840)。一般的文學評倫家咸認為此時期作品,都帶有道德與教誨目的。但事實上,他/她們的作品,顛覆傳統貴族社會的思考模式,開始表達中產階級的意識型態,凸顯女性角色與地位。他們大多以女性角色為描述對象,描繪出個人內在成長與個人和社會規範的衝突。本研究將針對五位十八世紀小說家的女性角色為研究主題,將分析女性在父權封閉時代的奮鬥歷程,進一步探討男性與女性作家,對女性角色描述手法的差異與其原因之深究。 |
英文摘要 | The primary purpose of this paper is to explore the images of women in the important works of both female and male novelists of the eighteenth century. The eighteenth century was an important era for British literature because in that century the novel emerged as a literary genre. The eighteenth-century novelists attempted to portray a variety of human experiences and no longer stuck to one specific perspective to please a specific rank of the society. Besides the birth of the novel, the emergence of the female novelists was an important cultural feature and implied the changing role and status of women within public ideology. Among the novelists of the eighteenth century, Daniel Defoe (1659-1732), Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), Henry Fielding (1707-1754), Sarah Fielding (1710-1768), and France Burney (1752-1840) were accepted as major writers who paid special attention to the role, consciousness, emotion, and value of women of the period. They depicted the ordinary daily lives of female characters in all social strata, from outcasts, via servant maids, to aristocrats. And they expressed their awareness or concern about the position and difficulties of women in the patriarchal power structure of the eighteenth-century society. |