題 名 | 〝行動中〞的中國當代女性書寫--印度漢學家邵葆麗的性別話語研究=Contemporary Chinese Women's Writing "in Action"--On Indian Sinologist Sabaree Mitra's Study of Gender Discourse |
作 者 | 張曉紅; | 書刊名 | 澳門理工學報 |
卷 期 | 14:3=43 2011[民100] |
頁 次 | 頁53-61 |
分類號 | 820.9、820.9 |
關鍵詞 | 中國女性作家和性別話語; 文學史; 邵葆麗; 中國女性作家; 性別話語; 行動主義; 身體寫作; 第三條道路; Sabaree Mitra; Chinese women writers; Gender discourse; Activism; Writing through the body; Third path; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
英文摘要 | Sabaree Mitra from Jawaharlal Nehru University is a reputed scholar in contemporary Chinese literature and culture. In her English monograph Chinese Women Writers and Gender Discourse, Mitra sees contemporary Chinese women’s writing as activism, i.e. feminism in action, which is endowed with the tripartite function of political, social and cultural critiques. Mitra constructs a two-dimensional theoretical framework: Horizontally, she equates women’s writing with activism, literary discourse with gender discourse, and aesthetic experience with political experience, all of which can find a ready echo in mainstream Western feminism; vertically, Mitra contextualizes Chinese gender discourse understood as dynamic socio-cultural practices or as a hybrid cultural construct. Despite its indiscriminate appropriation of western feminist ideas, Mitra’s gender study will pave a meaningful “third path” for us to (re)think gender-related issues in contemporary China. |