題 名 | 成長團體經驗對大學生情緒智慧之影響=The Impact of Growth Group Experience to Emotional Intelligence of Undergraduates |
作 者 | 吳淑敏; | 書刊名 | 彰化師大輔導學報 |
卷 期 | 20 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁113-135 |
分類號 | 521.18 |
關鍵詞 | 成長團體; 情緒智慧; 情緒管理; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討成長團體經驗對大學生情緒智慧的輔導效果,並比較不同性別成員在接受輔導後的差異情形,以及探討成長團體經驗於實驗處理後之持續性效果。研究對象為義守大學的學生,從中選取高登人格測驗中「情緒穩定」和「社會關係」兩項分數較低的學生60名。再根據意願調查表選出有意願參加成長團體者24名,男女生各12名,旋即隨機分派至實驗組與控制組,每組各12名,男女生各6名。研究者藉由設計一連串著重情緒管理和人際互動的團體諮商活動,以引導成員思考、討論,並強調探索其內在與人際困擾的問題,及解除成員的壓抑;因而促進成員對自我和他人的覺察力,進而學習與他人維持和諧的人際關係。本研究像採實驗組-控制組前後測的實驗設計。實驗組予以為時一個半月總計十八小時的成長團體輔導,而控制則否。主要研究工具乃研究者自編「情緒智慧量表」。經由量的統計分析發現,成長團體經驗有助於提昇情緒智慧,亦即經歷成長團體經驗後,實驗組成員在情緒自我覺察力、情緒管理、同理心、自我激勵,及人際關係管理上有所增進。又根據實驗組成員回饋分析的結果,本研究亦發現參加成長團體者均感受到正向的改變;然而成長團體經驗於實驗處理後未具顯著持續性效果。此外,本研究針對研究結果提出具體建議,以供學校實施輔導諮商及進一步研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of the growth group experience for enhancing emotional intelligence of undergraduates. This study also compared the gender difference in the effect of growth group and examined the follow-up effect of growth group experience. Twenty-four participants from I-Shou Univeristy who showed less emotional stability and social relation in Gordon Personality Questionnaire with volunteer were randomly assigned into an experiment group and a control group. The researcher designed a series of group counseling activities regarding emotional management and interpersonal interaction, which elicited the group members to think and discuss with each other. Also, those activities emphasized to examine the problems of their inner mind and interpersonal relationship; then leading to have self-awareness and insight of others' feelings as well as learn to establish the harmonious relationships with others. Therefore, an experimental study was executed and an experimental-control group pretestposttest design was used. The experiment group was provided 18 hours of growth group counseling, whereas the control group did not receive any treatment. The major instrument was Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire developed by the researcher. The findings indicated that the experiment group members showed greater emotional self-awareness, emotional management, self-motivating, empathy, and relationships handling. In addition, the experiment group members expressed that they had more positive changes. However, there was no significance in follow-up effect. Based on the findings, suggestions for school counseling and further studies were also provided. |