題 名 | 短跑選手百公尺成績表現與基本體能因素之相關研究=The Correlation between 100-Meter Running Performance and Basic Physical Fitness of Students |
作 者 | 李運來; 吳賢文; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 5(下) 民88.06 |
頁 次 | 頁393-419 |
分類號 | 528.9461 |
關鍵詞 | 短跑選手; 基本體能; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在探討, 田徑運動百公尺測驗成績表現與基本體能因素之相關, 並依據分析所得的結果,分別編制預測方程式。受試者為國立臺灣體育學院八十七學年度第 一學期,田徑短距離男生 26 名為研究對象,實施十四項基本體能測驗,與百公尺測驗成績 表現所得的資料, 應用複迴歸( Multiple regression )及逐步迴轉( Stepwise regression )統計處理,得到下列結論: 一、各項基本體能測驗信度考驗結果,均達顯著水準( P<0.01 )。 二、基本體能測驗對百公尺測驗成績表現的預測效力, 經三個步驟,投入第 X09 因素-側 併步、第 X01 因素- 100 公尺後退跑、第 X02 因素-立定跳遠, 即能使迴歸模式達非常 顯著( F=64.850,P<0.01 )。 得複相關係數 R=0.9176,決定係數 R Λ 2=0.8420,即三 個因素之預測效力佔總變異數的 84.2 %,增加量為 8.21 %。並得: 原始分數迴歸(預測)方程式: Y=13.1495-0.229X0.9+0.0490X01-0.6801X02 標準化迴歸方程式:Zy=-0.4710X0.9+0.2519X0.1-0.2899X02 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation and deviation between 100-meter running performance in the track-and field event and factors of basic physical fitness. The 26 subjects who took the physical fitness test of 14 different event swere those mail students whose specific sports training event was short-distance running during the first semester, 1998 at the National College of Physical Education. On the basic of statistical anaysis with the Multiple Regression and Stepwise Regression procedures,there sults and the predicting formula are drawn as follows: 1.The testing results with erliability significantly reaches its level..(P<0.01). 2.The results of basic physical fitness tests have predicting validity to 100-meter running Performacne, Through the three steps, X09-side steps, X01-100-meter backward running and X02-standing long jump, the regression model becomes significant..(F=64.850, P<0.01) The multiple correlation coefficient R=0.9176 and the coefficient of determination R Λ 2 =0.8420 are obtained. Therefore, the predicting validity of these three factors reaches 82.2% of the tottal variable; the increment gets to 8.21% the predicting equations are made as following: The regression equation of original scores: Y=13.1495-0.229X09+0.0490X01-0.6801X02 The standardized regression equation: Zy=-0.4710X09+0.2519X01-0.2899X02 |