題 名 | 臺灣中部地區某校五專女性新生飲食習慣之調查研究=The Study of the Dietary Habits of Freshmen in a Institute of Technology in Central Taiwan |
作 者 | 黃玲珠; 陳春妃; | 書刊名 | 弘光學報 |
卷 期 | 33 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁53-71 |
分類號 | 411.3 |
關鍵詞 | 專科生; 飲食習慣; Institute student; Dietary habit; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以弘光技術學院85學年度全體五專女性新生為研究對象,進行問卷調查, 以了解目前青少年之飲食習慣,調查之實際人數為 500 人,年齡在 16-19 歲之間,有效問 卷之回收率為 98.23 %。問卷包括基本資料、飲食狀況、食物攝取頻率等變項。 研究調查 發現,隨著社會型態改變後,青少年學生之早餐、午餐多數均以外食解決。調查學生中,有 42.2 %的同學在過去一個月聚餐 1-3 次。聚餐地點以飲料店或茶坊 (40.4 % ) 佔最多, 其次為速食店 (30.3 % )。 以奶類食品來說,每天喝奶類的學生相當少,從不喝奶類的學 生所佔的比例相當高。會食用速食食品的人數佔多數, 最受歡迎的速食食品是薯條,次為炸 雞、漢堡、沙拉等。對於碳酸飲料、運動飲料或代糖飲料等飲料多數學生均表示偶爾喝,僅 有極少數學生表示每天喝。調查發現有極少部份學生已有飲酒習慣,值得注意。研究調查同 時發現,學生在饑餓時最容易吃零食,其次分別是嘴饞、無聊、看電視、同學或朋友請客或 情緒不佳。最常吃的零食是洋芋片 (54 % ),次為蛋糕、餅乾 (51.8 % ),以上結果可知 除飲食習慣的改變外,學生也以食物作為打發時間與安撫情緒的方式。大部分的學生在睡前 有吃消夜的習慣,最常當宵夜的食物為泡麵 (49.9 % ),次為牛奶 (37.3 % )。由此可知 ,學生常吃的零食或宵夜多為高醣、高鹽或高脂肪食品,長期食用此類食品可能會增加肥胖 發生之機率。輔導或教育年輕的一代如何選擇自己的需要及減少身體的負擔,以促進健康, 是營養教育工作者需努力方向。 |
英文摘要 | Purpose of this research is to understand the dietary habits of today's adolescent and to use it to further improve and establish what is the balanced dietfor teens. The subjects of this study are freshmen at Hung-Kuang institute oftechnology in 1996, who participated through voluntary enrollment andanswering the questionnaires. The actual number in the study is 500, agesbetween 16 to 19. Return rate of the questionnaire is about 98.23%. Thequestionnaire includes basic information' dietary habits, freq uency of food intake, etc. The results indicated in changes of social structure, teens frequently havebreakfast and lunch outside of homes. Not very many students have milkeveryday and the percentage of students who have not ever drank milk is significantly high. Most test subjects occasionally consume carbonated, sports orartificial sugar drink, but very few consume them daily. The research also finds aminority of students already has a habit of alcohol consumption. The most popular fast food is french fries, followed by fried chicken, hamburgers, and salad. The research finds that students tend to snack mostly when they are hungry,followed by have cravings, are bored, watching television, invited by friends ormoody. The most frequently consumed snack is potato chips (54% ), followed by cakes/cookies (51.8% ). The above result shows that in addition to dietary changes, students also eat to pass time and pacify mood swings. Most students also like to have a late night snack before they go to slee p. The most popular late night snack is packaged noodle soup(49.9% ), followed by milk(37.3% ). This indicates that the snacks and late night meals students frequently consume are high in fat, sugar and salt, and long term use of these foods can contribute to obesity. It is nutrition educator's goal to teach the youth how to choose what kind of food is right for their body to consume in order to be healthy. |