題 名 | 中華民國八十八年全國運動會概念規劃=The Conception of the First National Sport Game |
作 者 | 鄭良一; | 書刊名 | 國立體育學院論叢 |
卷 期 | 9:2 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁111-125 |
分類號 | 528.98 |
關鍵詞 | 全國運動會; 概念規劃; 行銷策略; 大型運動會; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「承先啟後、開創新局」是桃園第一屆全國運動會的主要概念。賽會不僅是體育 活動,更包含教育和文化的背景。首先,此次運動會是本世紀末主要的運動大事,並且將是 一次歷史性的盛況,吸引起全世界的注目。 其次,組織委員會的工作可分為下列十項:(1) 財政與人力資源。 (2) 運動設施。(3) 行銷和票務。(4) 節目企畫。(5) 媒體與傳播。(6) 資訊處理。 (7) 公共關係。(8) 交通和住宿。(9) 安全和醫療。(10) 環保和市容。而在這 十項中我們應特別著重於運動設施、節目企劃和行銷。最後要注意的是有關桃園的氣象,從 第 120 頁的圖表,可知桃園的平均溫度為 16.7 ℃,比即將在 2000 年 9 月舉辦奧運的雪 梨氣候狀況 (11.7 ℃∼ 20.7 ℃ ) 更適宜從事體育活動。 另外,12 月桃園地區的濕度及 兩量都較 10 月為低,也更適合舉行比賽。雖然我們背負著沈重的歷史包袱,也明白理想與 現實的殘酷差距,但我們仍然堅持的是:朝向目標全力遇進。 |
英文摘要 | To get experience from the others and create a bright aspect for the future is the main conception of the first national sport game in Taoyuan The game not only has sports activities but also includes educational and cultural backgrounds. First of all, the game is the main sports event in the end of this century. That would be a historic event and bring in focus to the whole world. Next, the main task of organizing committee could be divided into ten divisions. They are: (1) finance and human resource (2) sports factivities (3) marketing and ticketing (4) program planning (5) media and mass communication (6) information management (7) public relationship (8) transportation and accommmodation(9) security and medical treatment (10) environmental protection and city surroundings. Above all, we should pay special attention on sports facilities, game programs and marketing. One last thing to be mentioned is the meteorology of Taoyuan. Form the chart in page(14), the average temperature in Taoyuan is 16.7 ℃. At this time of the year the weather in Taoyuan is more appropriate than the weather in Sydney in September (Min. 11.7 ℃∼ Max. 20.7 ℃ ). The Olympic game will be held in Sydney in the year of 2000; and the players can adjust themselves to the weather in advance. In December both humidity and rainfall in the area of Taoyuan are lower than in October. It is more suitable to hold the game. Though we want to move towards the goals, we have the traditional burden to relieve. There are always some differences between idcal and reality. All we have to do is promote efficient achievement of our goals. |